Does Computer-Mediated Communication Facilitate
Peer Response in L2 Writing Classrooms? A Critical Review
Jette G. Hansen Edwards and Jun Liu
Willingness to Communicate in L2 in the EFL Classroom:
Rich Descriptions from Chinese University Students
Jian E. Peng
Semantic Representation and Development in SteadyState Chinese ESL Speakers
Nan Jiang
Speaking-Writing Connections and the Communicatively Competent Writer
Alan Hirvela
Not the Same Old (Contrastive) Rhetoric: An Interview
with Ulla Connor
Interviewed by the editors of RALC
Peer Feedback in Writing Classes: Teachers and Students Working Together
Ruth Wong and Liz England
Understanding Phonology (2nd edition)
Carlos Gussenhoven and Haike Jaeobs
Reviewed by Corinne Renguette
Strategies for Correct Writing
Paul Fournier
Reviewed by Tony Becker