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书名 | 译者的电子工具/外研社翻译研究文库 |
分类 | 人文社科-社会科学-语言文字 |
作者 | (德)奥斯特米勒 |
出版社 | 外语教学与研究出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 本书作者已从事翻译教学多年,具有丰富的检验,在本书中,他对于翻译技术的软件产品、信息资源和联机翻译服务进行了全面的论述和介绍,详细地解释了怎样把它们恰当地应用到翻译过程中去,便于广大译者学习和使用。 本书的写作方法独具特色,文笔流畅,简明易懂,循序渐进,实践性强,非常便于广大译者学习和使用。如果读者一面阅读,一面在计算机上实际操作,具体地了解这些电子工具的使用方法,一定会越学越有兴趣。本书可作为计算机辅助翻译课程的正规教材,也适合于希望更新翻译专业知识和技巧的翻译专业人员自学。 内容推荐 在这样一个“信息爆炸”的时代,知识突飞猛进的增长和跨文化交流的需要,使翻译市场供不应求的局面日益严重,传统的手工翻译已经不能满足不断增长的翻译需求。那么如何改变这种局面?本书作者给出了他的答案:使用电子翻译工具。全书对翻译相关软件产品、信息资源和联机翻译服务等进行了全面而系统的论述和介绍,详细解释了怎样把它们恰当地应用到翻译过程中去,是翻译学习者和从业者不可多得的好书。 目录 How to use this book 1. Translation in the information age The need for electronic tools Typologies of electronic translation tools The process-oriented approach Tasks Further reading and Internet links 2. Translator-client communication and information transfer The use of e-mail, FTP and WWW-based working groups Transfer options Optimizing online file transfer Tasks Further reading and Internet links 3. Translation and the Internet The basics of the Internet Internet services The worldwide web Tasks Further reading and Internet links 4. Searching the web Web search strategies 1 - institutional search via URLs Web search strategies 2 - thematic search via subject trees Web search strategies 3 - word search via search engines Evaluating web documents Tasks Further reading and Internet links 5. Translation resources on the worldwide web Accessing national libraries online Browsing in virtual bookstores Encyclopedias and dictionaries Multilingual terminology databases Newspaper and magazine archives Retrieving background information Tasks Further reading and Internet links 6. The world on a disk - Translation resources on CD-ROM The advantages of CD-ROMs Translation resources available on CD-ROM Strategies for accessing information on CD-ROM Reference works: Two case studies Strategies for integrating electronic reference works Tasks Further reading and Internet links 7. Computer-assisted terminology management Forms of terminology management - from file cards to hypermedia systems Managing terminological data using terminology management systems Managing terminological data with MultiTerm Tasks Further reading and Internet links 8. Corpora as translation tools A typology of corpora Building and analyzing customized corpora Tasks Further reading and Internet links 9. Deja Vu?- Translation memories and localization tools Translation memory systems Working with a translation memory tool:Translator's Workbench (Trados) Software localization tools A localization case study - Corel Catalyst Tasks Further reading and Internet links 10. A translator's sword of Damocles?An introduction to machine translation Popular conceptions about machine translation Machine translation and the roller coaster of history Machine translation - definitions, architectures and quality demands MT architectures Strategies for optimizing the quality of MT output The practical use of MT technology - high-end versus low-end systems Notorious problems in MT MT on the Internet Tasks Further reading and Internet links Glossary References Index |
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