Birds fascinate us more than any other group of fauna, perhaps because birds are found everywhere. They have colonised all corners of the earth,from the most inhospitable Arctic and Antarctic regions to bone-dry sub tropical deserts and remote oceanic islands. Their dazzling power of flight never ceases to amaze us, and, perhaps most important of all, they are relatively easy to observe, since birds are usually active by day and thrive in our near surroundings. Also, their senses are much like our own--they rely mainly on eyesight and hearing and therefore react much like we do and are easv for us to identify with.
Periplus is proud to present the very first comprehensive photo graphic guide to the birds of mainland Southeast Asia, the Philippines and Borneo. Included are the birds of Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand and Indochina, as well as those found in South China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
This book covers 668 species and contains more than 700 colour photographs. There is a distribution map for each species.Many of the photographs in this magnificent volume appear for the first time and have been carefully selected to show the most important species. The concise text provides vital information that will ensure accurate identification of species in one of the world's most diverse avifauna regions. Indispensable reading for all bird lovers.
Grebes Podicipedidae
Pelicans Pelecanidae
Boobies Sulidae
Cormorants - Phalacrocoracidae
Darters Anhingidae
Frigatebirds - Fregatidae
Herons, egrets, bitterns Ardeidae
Storks Ciconiidae
Ibises - Threskiornithidae
Geese, ducks Anatidae
Osprey - Pandionidae
Hawks, eagles, vultures- Accipitrae
Falcons - Falconidae
Pheasants - Phasianidae
Buttonquail Turnicidae
Cranes - Gmidae
Rails, crakes Rallidae
Finfoots - Heliornithidae
Jacanas - Jacanidae
Paintedsnipe RostratuIidae
Oystercatchers -
Lapwings, pIovers- Charadriidae
Curlews, sandpipers, snipe
Stilts, avocets Recurvirostridae
Phalaropes Phalaropidae
Thick-knees Burhinidac
Pratincoles - Glareolidae
Gulls, terns - Laridae
Pigeons, doves Columbidae
Parrots - Psittacidae
Cuckoos Cuculidae
Barn Owls - Tytonidae
Owls Strigidae
Frogmouths - Batrochostomidae
Nightjars Caprimulgidae
Swifts - Apodidae
freeswifts - Hemiprocnidae
frogons - Trogonidae
Kingfishers - Alcedinidae
Bee-eaters - Meropidae
Rollers Coraciidae
Hoopoe - Upupidae
Hornbills - Bucerotidae
Barbets Megalaimidae
Honeyguides - Indicatoridae
Woodpeckcrs- Picidae
Broadbills - Eurylaimidae
Pittas Pittidae
Larks - Alaudidae
Swallows Hirundinidae
Cuckoo-shrikes, minivets
Ioras, leafbirds Chloropseidae
Bulbuls - Pycnonotidae
Drongos - Dicruridae
Orioles Oriolidae
Fairy Bluebirds - Irenidae
Crows, jays, magpies Corvidae
Tits - Paridae
Nuthatches - Sittidae
Treecreepcrs - Certhiidae
Philippine Creepers
Babblers - Timaliidae
Thrushes - Turdidae
Warblers - Sylviidae
Flycatchers Muscicapidae
Fantails Rhipiduridae
Monarchs - Monarchidac
Whistlcrs, accentors
Wagtails, pipits - Motacillidae
Wood-swallows Artamidae
Shrikes - Laniidac
Starlings, mynas - Sturnidae
Sunbirds, spiderhtmters-
Flowerpeckers - Dicaeidac
Whitc eyes - Zosteropidac
Sparrows - Passeridae
Weavers - Ploceidae
Munias - Estrildidac
Finches - Frmgillidae
Buntings Emberizidae