Drawing from the massive collection of the Library of Congress Veterans History Project, Forever a Soldier presents unforgettable stories of wartime service from veterans of World War I,World War II, Korea,Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, and Iraq:
"I thought that I was the only GI to land on the coast of Normandy."
--Albert Hassenzahl, World War II
"I realized that if I don’t just respect and remember and honor the boys who were there with me, nobody’s going to."
--Richard DeLeon, Vietnam War
Every war is a tapestry woven of the individual stories of millions of men and women thrust into a violent world where simple survival acquires a new, often permanently life-changing perspective. Forever a Soldier captures this personal side of war in 37 extraordinary narratives that relate the American soldier’s experience of battle from the First World War to the ongoing struggle in Iraq.
These unforgettable personal accounts are culled from letters, diaries, private memoirs, and oral histories collected by the Library of Congress Veterans History Project and offer a fascinating, frequently poignant group portrait of America’s armed forces, enlisted and officers alike. Here are tales of’ frontline action, from doughboy Hillie Franz’s 1918 baptism of tire to battleship grinner Ray Brittain’s duel with Japanese planes at Pearl Harbor to medical officer Rhonda Cornum’s capture by Iraqis when her helicopter is shot down during the Gulf War. Here too are quiet periods or’relief and reflection, off-duty interludes like furloughs in liberated Paris or Koreanera Tokyo, and countless brief yet deeply intimate episodes: two badly wounded soldiers, one German and one American. clasping hands in wordlessly eloquent humanity as they wait to be treated: a downed pilot’s faith sustaining him under torture by NorthViemamese interrogators: a GI’s lifelong regret at his best buddy’s death by friendly fire on the last day or-World War II in Europe.
An indispensable contribution to understanding war and its impact on us all. Forever a Soldier presents famous incidents like the sinking of the Indianapolis and her survivors’terrifving four-day ordeal in the shark-infested Pacific, famous battles like D-Day or the Tet Offensive,and famous names like John McCain. but it is the heroic orctinarv Americans whose accounts put a familiar face on the universal realities of war: courage and Fern: horror and exhilaration, sorrow and triumph. Each story speaks powerfully for all American veterans, a family forged in fire whose experiences are seared into our national memory.
Foreword by Tom Wiener
Introduction by Andrew Carroll
Raymond Brittain: Present at the Beginning
Albert Hassenzahl: First into Europe
Robert Powell:The Modern Near-Ace
John Sudyk:The Soldier of i0,000 Rounds
Raffi Bahadarian: Addressing Spirituality
Hillie John Franz:The Spirit if Not the Letter
Kenneth Ray Rodgers: The Second Time Around
Asa Charles Ball: Everybody’s Bud
Richard DeLeon:Joining the Brotherhood
Robert Dunning: The Illusion of Brotherhood
Philip Randazzo: The Self-Contained Soldier
Charles Remsburg:The Careful Soldier
Ruth Deloris Buckley: Into Action with the Boys
Dodson Curry:The Reluctant Physician
Eugene Curtin: Holding Back Nothing
Julia Grabner Haskell:The Little Sister
Frances Liberty: The Straight-Arrow Nurse
Wendy Wamsley Taines: Healing Hands
Carolyn Hisako Tanaka: The Forgiving Nurse
Darlene Iskra:The Unsung Pioneer
Augustus Prince:The Grateful Pioneer
Bertran Wallace: Too Proud to Bow
Norman Ikari: Eager for a Fight
Yeiichi Kelly Kuwayama: Not Playing it Safe
Harold Lippard: Cool Under Fire
Giles McCoy:The Ultimate Survivor
Rhonda Cornum: Doing Something Honorable
Roger Dean Ingvalson: The Man of Faith
Johann Kasten IV:The Man of Confidence
John McCain: The Inevitable Warrior
Jose Mares:The Stubborn Spaniard
Harold Riley: The Last Prisoner
John Stensby: The Soldier Who Wouldn’t Surrender
Milton Stern: The Lucky POW
James Dorris:The Liberator
John Dolibois: Confidant to the Nazis
Denton Winslow Crocker, Jr.:A Patriot for His Time
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