stunt [stʌnt] noun countable EXCITING ACTION 令人兴奋的动作 ■an exciting action, usually in a film, that is dangerous or appears dangerous and usually needs to be done by someone skilled (通常指电影中的)特技动作•It's a typical action film with plenty of spectacular stunts.这是部典型的动作片,有很多精彩好看的特技。 •Tom Cruise has performed his own stunts for Mission Impossible 2, defying warnings from professionals.汤姆‧克鲁斯不顾专业人员的警告,在《不可能的任务 2》中亲自表演自己的特技动作。 [stʌnt] noun countable GET ATTENTION 引起注意 mainly disapproving ■something that is done to get attention for the person or people responsible for it 意在引人注目的花招,噱头•an advertising stunt广告噱头 •Their marriage was just a cheap publicity stunt.他们的婚姻不过是低级宣传噱头。 [stʌnt] noun countable pull a stunt informal ■to do something silly and risky 做愚蠢冒险的事,逞能•What did you want to pull a stupid stunt like that for?你那样逞强到底是为了甚么? [stʌnt] verb transitive ■to prevent the growth or development of something from reaching its limit 妨碍…的正常生长;阻碍…的充分发展•Drought has stunted (the growth of) this year's cereal crop.干旱阻碍了今年谷物的生长。 •When Freya was a baby we were advised that watching television would stunt her imagination.弗雷亚还是个婴儿时,别人劝告我们说,看电视会妨碍她的想像力正常发展。 |