snappy ['snæp.i] adjective STYLISH 时尚 informal approving ■(especially of a man's clothes or of his appearance) modern and stylish (尤指男子穿着或相貌)时髦的,漂亮的•He's a snappy dresser.他是个穿着时髦的人。 •That's a very snappy new suit you've got, Peter.你那套新衣服真是漂亮,彼得。 ['snæp.i] adjective EFFECTIVE 有效的 approving ■immediately effective in getting people's attention or communicating an idea 活泼明快的,短小易记的•The magazine will be launched in September with a snappy new design.这本杂志将于九月以活泼明快的崭新设计样式发行。 •They're looking for a snappy slogan to communicate the campaign's message.他们在寻找一句简明扼要的口号来传达活动的要旨。 ['snæp.i] adjective make it snappy informal ■used to tell someone that you want them to do something immediately and to do it quickly 快点做•I'd like my bill please, waiter, and make it snappy.服务员,请帮我结账,快点。 |