Double Consciousness explores the conceptual art practices of African-American artists over the past 35 years, using as its underpinning, the "reflexive" nature of art-making which emerged with the avant-garde of the late 1960s. The exhibition chronicles conceptual art as practice of ideas as manifested through the use of everyday materials and objects--performance as action; interventions or critiques; as well as writings.
Director's Foreword and Acknowtedgments MartiMayo
Lenders to the Exhibition
Acknowledgments Valerie CasseI Oliver
An American Art 3ob Franklin Sirmans
Through the Conceptual Lens: The Rise, Fall, and Resurrection of Blackness
Valerie Cassel Oliver
Catatogue of the Exhibition
Selected Writings by Artists in the Exhibition
Some Reminiscences and a Chronology Howardena Pindell
Kinds of Performing Objects I Have Been Adrian Piper
The Theater of Refusah Black Art and Mainstream Criticism Charles Gaines
Lilies of the Valley Unite! or not Lily Bea Moor
My B[ack Death ArthurJafa
Integrated Systems: Mobite Steatth Unit (Pink Noise) Series 002
Beth Coleman and Howard Goldkrand
Multiplex Consciousness Paul D. Miller
Chronology of Btack History and Eutture
and the Deve[opment of Black Conceptual Art compiled by Julia Chance
Artists' Biographies compiled by Kristin Flanagan
Selected Bibtiography
Index of Names