In the space of seven months in 1787-1788, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay wrote eighty-five“Letters to the People of New York”under the title The Federalist to persuade voters to ratify the Constitution. By their intense, regular, focused efforts in New York City newspapers , the men succeeded in their aim. New York followed ten other states in electing delegates who ratified what has become the longest-lasting constitution in history. The thirty-five essays included in this volume cover the most important and compelling issues of their day and ours--from the explanation of and justification for the system of checks and balances, to clarifications about impeachments and pardons, to communicating the“spirit”of the Constitution. But why did this trio of great statesmen have to rise as one to quash opposition and rally support for the Constitution?
To persuade undecided New York state voters to ratify the new Constitution of the United States, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison,and John Jay wrote 85 compelling essays, under the title The Federalist and signed “Publius,” that appeared in New York City newspapers in 1787-1788. These far-reaching essays, which comprise a masterful exposition and defense of the proposed federal system of government and of the Constitution’s carefully designed system of checks and balances, are today considered a keystone of American democracy.Their continuing relevance was demonstrated by the frequent references to Paper No. 65, “On Impeachments,” during the impeachment proceeding against President Clinton.
This volume contains 35 of the most famous and important pieces,including ones that deal with “dangers from foreign arms and influence”; with the need for a federal government able to raise revenues through taxation; with the creation of an electoral college; with freedom of the press and the inadvisability of a bill of rights; with the three-fifths rule for counting slaves; with the objectives and powers of the judiciary; and much else. Of lasting value and interest to students of American history and government, this carefully chosen selection will also fascinate any general reader curious about the history of the Constitution and the beginnings of American federalism.
1 HAMILTON, Introduction The Union and Its New Constitution:
“Happy Will it Be If Our Choice Should Be Directed
by a Judicious Estimate 6fOur True Interests”
(October 27, 1787)
3 JAY, Dangers from Foreign Arms and Influence: “The Union
Tends Most to Preserve the People in a State of Peace with
Other Nations” (November 3, 1787)
5 JAY, Dangers from Foreign Arms and Influence,
Continued: Let Us Not Forget How Much More Easy It Is to
Receive Foreign Fleets into Our Ports, and Foreign Armies into
Our Country, Than It Is to Persuade or Compel Them to
Depart”(November 10, 1787)
7 HAMILTON, Dangers from War between the States: “What
Inducements Could the States Have, If Disunited, to Make
War upon Each Other?”(November 17, 1787)
8 HAMILTON, The Consequences of Hostilities between the States:
“The Populous States Would, with Little Difficulty, Overrun
Their Less Populous Neighbors”(November 20, 1787)
10 MADISON, The Union as a Safeguard against Domestic Faction
and Insurrection: “A Body of Men Are Unfit to Be Both Judges
and Parties at the Same Time”(November 22, 1787)
11 HAMILTON, The Utility of the Union in Respect to Commercial
Relations and Navy: “Under a Vigorous National Government,
the Natural Strength and Resources of the Country, Directed to
a Common Interest, Would Baffle All the Combinations of
European Jealousy to Restrain Our Growth”(November 24, 1787)