The events chronicled in this narrative took place some four years ago. Circumstances have rendered it necessary, m my opinion, that a straightforward account of them should be given to the public. There have been the wildest and most ridiculous rumours suggesting that important evidence was suppressed and other nonsense of that kind. Those misconstructious have appeared more especially in the American press.
Agatha Christie is the most popular mystery writer of all time. With over two billion copies of her books in print,her genius for detective fiction is unparalleled. She is truly the one and only Queen of Crime...
At the request of archaeologist Dr. Eric Leidner, Amy Leatheran has accepted a position as companion to his wife, Louise, a woman prone to "nervous terrors"-and in need of a confidante. She's found one in Amy. But what is the young nurse to make of Mrs. Leidner's bizarre stories of her first husband, a dead German spy, who has returned in a rage to destroy her new marriage? Stories of terrible threats and dreadful warnings? Stories that everyone attributes to a vivid-and disturbed-imagination? Yet it's more than a flight of fancy that bludgeons poor Mrs.Leidner to death. And it's going to take the brilliant imagination of Hercule Poirot to unravel the strange facts in a dead woman's fantasy.
Foreword by Giles Reilly, M.D.
Introducing Amy Leatheran
I Arrive in Hassanieh
Tell Yarimjah
First Evening
The Man at the Window
Night Alarm
Mrs. Leidner's Story
Saturday Afternoon
An Odd Business
"I Didn't Believe..."
Hercule Poirot Arrives
One of Us7
Poirot Makes a Suggestion
The Suspects
The Stain by the Wash-stand
Tea at Dr. Reilly's
A New Suspicion
Miss Johnson, Mrs. Mercado,Mr. Reiter
Mr. Mercado, Richard Carey
David Emmott, Father Lavigny and a Discovery
I Go Psychic
Murder Is a Habit
Suicide or Murder?
Next It Will Be Me!
Beginning of a Journey
Journey' s End
L' envoi