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书名 | 构建中非人文交流高地 中国非洲研究院"三大讲坛"文集 第二集 |
分类 | 人文社科-社会科学-社会科学总论 |
作者 | 李新烽,邓延庭 |
出版社 | 中国社会科学出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 本书收集了从2021年年中到2023年年初中国非洲研究院“三大讲坛”历次活动中外学者的讲稿,内容涵盖了非洲近期发展热点、中非文明互鉴、中非治国理政经验交流、非洲驻华大使谈中国发展成就等诸多议题,从学术研究、国际传播等多个视角,搭建起研究新时代中国与非洲、中非关系的立体框架,为中非人文交流的高质量发展持续注入丰富的内涵。此外,为进一步介绍中国非洲研究院依托“三大讲坛”推进中非文明互鉴的成果,本书还收录了中非文明对话大会、非洲留学生论坛、中非智库论坛等活动中的中非政府官员、智库学者、媒体从业人、学生及青年代表的发言,为在新时代坚持和发展中非传统友谊贡献了宝贵的智力支持。 目录 PART I Africa Lecture Chapter 1 The 8th Africa Lecture: Peace and Security in the Sahel Region Section l Peace and Security in the Sahel:Some Reflections Section 2 Violent Extremism, Organised Crime and Local Conflicts in Liptako-Gourma Chapter 2 The 11th Africa Lecture: People-to-People Exchanges and Mutual Learning Between Chinese and African Civilizations Section 1 To Understand the Significance of Exchanges and Mutual Learning Between Chinese and African Civilization Section 2 Exchanges and Mutual Learning Between Civilizations: A New Dynamic to Drive China-Africa Partnership Section 3 To Put Forward Africa-China Partnership Through Exchanges and Mutual Learning Between Civilizations Chapter 3 The 12th Africa Lecture: China's Poverty Alleviation and the Development of Africa Section 1 The Implication of Experience and Achievement of China's Poverty Alleviation to áfrica Section 2 Poverty Alleviation Injects New Impetus to China-Africa Partnership Section 3 Poverty Alleviation: A New Focus to Understand the Miracle of China's Governance PART II Ambassador Lecture Chapter 1 The 12th Ambassador Lecture: The Synergy Between the Belt and Road Initiative and the African Union Agenda 2063 Section 1 Significance and Opportunities of Synergy Between the Belt and Road Initiative and the African Union Agenda 2063 Chapter 2 The 14th Ambassador Lecture: 100 Julius Nyerere Centenary, 1922-2022 Section 1 To Commemorate the Founding Farther and the Teacher of the Tanzanian People Section 2 The Spirit and Contribution of the Forefather of African Liberation will Always Be Remembered PART III The 11th Meeting of China-Africa Think Tank Forum: Promoting the Spirit of China- Africa Friendship and Cooperation with Joint Action on the Global Develop-ment Initiative Section 1 Opening Remarks at the 11th Meeting of the China-Africa Think Tanks Forum Section 2 Remarks at the 11th Meeting Section 3 Opening Remarks Delivered at the Opening Ceremony of the 11th Meeting Section 4 Spirit of China-Africa Friendship and Cooperation Section 5 I1th Meeting of the China-Africa Think Tanks Forum Promoting the Spirit of China-Africa Friendship and Cooperation with Joint Action on the Global Develop-ment Initiative Section 6 The I1th Meeting of the China-Africa Think Tanks Forum "Promoting the Spirit of China-Africa Friendship and Cooperation with Joint Action on the Global Development Initiative" Section 7 Talking Points: I1th Meeting of China-Africa Think Tanks Forum Promoting the Spirit of China-Africa Friendship and Cooperation with Joint Action on the Global Development Initiative Aliyu Mohammed Section 8 Philosophical and Spiritual Basis of China-Africa Friendship: What Implications for the Global Development Initiative? Section 9 China-Africa Development Cooperation-The Case of Horn of Africa Section 10 Speech Given at the 11th Meeting of China-Africa Think Tank Forum Section 11 Global Development Initiative and the AU Agenda 2063 Section 12 Towards a People-Centered Global Development Initiative Section 13 Aligning the Global Development Initiative with the African Union's Agenda 2063, to Further Broaden the Path of China-Africa Cooperation Section 14 China is the Real Trustworthy Friend of Africa Section 15 From an Old to a New Sustainable Globalization PART IV The Ist Conference on Dialogue Between Chinese and African Civilizations: Deepe-ning Exchanges and Mutual Learning Be-tween Chinese and African Civilizations for a China-Africa Community with a Shared Future in the New Era Section 1 Host Speech of the Ist Conference on Dialogue Between Chinese and Africa Civilizations Li Xinfeng Section 2 Keynote Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Ist Conference on Dialogue Between Chinese and Afreican Civilizations |
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