内容推荐 《众包与在线协作翻译:拓宽翻译学的边界:汉文、英文》由米格尔·希门尼斯-克雷斯波著 目录 Acknowledgements List of figures and tables Abbreviations Introduction CHAPTER 1 Crowdsourcingand collaborative translationin Translation Studies:Definitions and types 1.1 Introduction 1.2 The wider context:Thecrowdsourcingparadigm 1.2.1 Definitionsof crowdsourcing 1.2.2 Typologiesof crowdsourcing Estelles and Gonzalez(2012b)typologyof crowdsourcing Brabham's(2008,2013)typology of crowdsourcing 1.3 Collaboration intranslation 1.3.1 Translation crowdsourcing 1.3.2 Online collaborativetranslations 1.3.3 Common featuresof crowdsourcing and onlinecollaborative translations 1.3.4 Distinguishingfeatures of crowdsourcing and onlinecollaborative translations 1.4 Definitions of translationcrowdsourcing and typesof collaborativepracticesin TS 1.5 Mapping crowdsourcing intorelated TSconcepts 1.6 Classifications of online collaborative translations 1.7 Which translations are outsourced?Of preferredgenresand translation types …… |