deepen ['di:.pən] verb DOWN 下沉 intransitive or transitive ■to make something deeper, or to become deeper 加深;(使)变深•One way of preventing further flooding would be to deepen the river bed.防止洪水再次泛滥的一个办法是深挖河床。 •The sea bed deepens here to 5000 metres.此处的海床变深至5000米。 ['di:.pən] verb STRONGLY FELT 感受强烈 intransitive or transitive ■to become more strongly felt or experienced, or to make something this way (使)感受更强烈;(使)深入,(使)加深•Over the years, her love for him deepened.这些年来,她对他的爱更深了。 •The economic crisis is deepening.经济危机正在加重。 •We must try not to deepen (= make more strongly felt) existing splits within the party.我们必须努力避免党内出现的各种分歧进一步扩大。 ['di:.pən] verb COMPLICATED 难懂 intransitive or transitive ■to make something increase or become more serious 使加深;使加重,恶化•It certainly helped to deepen my understanding of the situation.它当然有助于加深我对整个情况的理解。 ['di:.pən] verb LOW 低 intransitive ■to become lower 变低沉•Boys' voices deepen in their early to mid-teens.男孩子十岁出头到十五六岁之间嗓音会变得低沉起来。 ['di:.pən] verb DARK 黑暗 intransitive ■to become darker 变暗•The shadows deepened as the evening drew on.天色渐晚,越来越暗。 |