confess [kən'fes] verb intransitive or transitive IMPROVER ■to admit that you have done something wrong or something that you feel guilty or bad about 坦白;供认,招认;承认(错误或罪行)•[+ that] She confessed to her husband that she had sold her wedding ring.她向丈夫坦白她卖掉了结婚戒指。 •He confessed to sleeping /having slept through most of the film.他承认看这出电影时,大部分时间都在睡觉。 •He has confessed to the murder.他供认了谋杀罪行。 •[+ (that)] I have to confess (that) when I first met Ian I didn't think he was very bright.我要承认,我第一次见到你丈夫的时候,觉得他不是很聪明。 •I found it all very confusing, I must confess.我要承认,我觉得这一切太令人费解了。 •[R] The director confessed him self (to be)puzzled by the company's losses.主管坦言自己对公司的亏损感到困惑。 ■in the Christian religion, especially the Roman Catholic Church, to tell God or a priest what you have done wrong so that you can be forgiven (基督教、尤指天主教中向上帝或神父)忏悔•to confess your sins忏悔你的罪过 |