novelty UK ['nɒv.əl.ti] US ['nɑ:.vəl.tˌi] noun uncountable ■the quality of being new and unusual 新颖,新奇•The novelty of these toys soon wore off and the children became bored with them.孩子们对这些玩具的新鲜感很快就消失了,开始厌倦起来。 •In Britain in the 1950s, television had a novelty value.在20世纪50年代的英国,电视机曾经是一种新奇的事物。 countable ■something which has not been experienced before and so is interesting 新奇的事物•Tourists are still a novelty on this remote island.鲜有游客造访这偏僻的岛屿。 countable ■a cheap unusual object such as a small toy, often given as a present (常作为礼物赠送的)新奇廉价的物品•A Christmas cracker usually contains a paper hat, a joke and a novelty.圣诞节彩包爆竹中通常装有纸帽、笑话和新颖的小玩意儿。 •a novelty item新奇的小物件 |