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内容简介 《小学英语常规课教学设计(三年级上 PEP版适用)》阐述教育制度、教育价值观和课程观的转变,构建以活动为中心、以任务型教学为途径的课堂教学模式已成为小学英语教学发展的必然趋势。课堂教学活动开展能否达到语言学习的目的,实现课程的教学目标,课堂教学活动的设计是一个极其重要的环节。教学活动的设计能具体地体现教师的教学理念、教学方法以及对课程的理解把握和开发创新能力。 目录 Unit 1 Hello! The First Period The Second Period The Third Period The Fourth Period The Fifth Period The Sixth Period Unit 2 Colours The First Period The Second Period The Third Period The Fourth Period The Fifth Period The Sixth Period Unit 3 Look at me! The First Period The Second Period The Third Period The Fourth Period The Fifth Period The Sixth Period Recycle 1 The First Period The Second Period The Third Period Unit 4 We love animals The First Period The Second Period The Third Period The Fourth Period The Fifth Period The Sixth Period Unit 5 Let's eat! The First Period The Second Period The Third Period The Fourth Period The Fifth Period The Sixth Period Unit 6 Happy birthday! The First Period The Second Period The Third Period The Fourth Period The Fifth Period The Sixth Period Recycle 2 The First Period The Second Period The Third Period |