内容推荐 本书与三年级下册英语教材同步,定位于全国市县,紧扣教学大纲,配合教学进度,提炼知识要点,直击考点,帮助学生巩固课堂知识,开拓思维,深入浅出,梯度训练,方便实用,是学生学好英语不可或缺的“良师益友”。全书设置栏目包括“课时练”“单元检测”“期中与期末检测”“听力材料及参考答案”等部分。通过本书的学习,将使学生达到全面、系统地掌握教材教学内容的要求,抓住基础知识点、重难点、易错点,起到举一反三、融会贯通的作用。本书适合中等偏下的学生使用,重在夯实基础内容。 目录 Unit 1 Welcome back to school A.Let's talk Look and say A.Let's learn Let's chant A.Let's spell Unit 1 阶段复习 B.Let's talk Look and say B.Let's learn Let's chant B.Start to read-Let's sing C.Story time Unit 1听力训练 Unit 2 My family A.Let's talk Point and say A.Let's learn Let's chant A.Let's spell Unit 2 阶段复习 B.Let's talk Let's play B.Let's learn Let's chant B.Start to read-Let's sing C.Story time Unit 2 听力训练 Unit 3 At the zoo A.Let's talk Draw and say A.Let's learn Let's do A.Let's spell Unit 3阶段复习 B.Let's talk Make a monster B.Let's learn Let's do B.Start to read-Let's sing C.Story time Unit 3 听力训练 Unit 4 Where is my car A.Let's talk Let's play A.Let's learn Let's do A.Let's spell Unit 4阶段复习 B.Let's talk Let's play B.Let's learn Let's do B.Start to read-Let's sing C.Story time Unit 4 听力训练 Unit 5 Do you like pears A.Let's talk Let's play A.Let's learn Let's chant A.Let's spell Unit 5 阶段复习 B.Let's talk Let's play B.Let's learn Let's chant B.Start to read-Let's sing C.Story time Unit 5 听力训练 Unit 6 How many A.Let's talk Find and count A.Let's learn Let's chant A.Let's spell Unit6阶段复习 B.Let's talk Let's find out B.Let's learn Let's chant B.Start to read-Let's sing C.Story time Unit 6听力训练 附录 I册 知识清单 II册 参考答案与解析 III卷 学业质量测评 |