内容推荐 《哲学的贫困》是德国思想家卡尔·马克思创作的一部政治著作。 该书以全新的历史唯物主义为理论武器,从经济学和哲学两个方面批判了蒲鲁东唯心主义经济学,揭露了其对资本主义批判的非科学性和小资产阶级的反革命性。 目录 fntroduction Preface Author's Preface Author's Introductory Note CHAPTER Ⅰ.—A Scientific Discovery.Section Ⅰ.—Opposition of Utility Value to Exchange Value Ⅱ.—Constituted or Synthetic Value. Ⅲ.—Application of the Law of the Proportion of Value—(a) Money (b) Surplus Labor CHAPTER Ⅱ.—The Metaphysics of Political Economy.Section Ⅰ.—The Method. Ⅱ.—The Division of Labor and Machinery Ⅲ.—Competition and Monopoly Ⅳ.—Property and Rent Ⅴ.—Strikes and the Combination of Workmen Appendix Ⅰ.—Proudhon Judged by Marx Ⅱ.—John Gray and his Theory of Labor Notes Ⅲ.—Free Trade |