内容推荐 纪录片《如果国宝会说话》是由中央电视台纪录频道制作,中宣部、国家文物局、中央电视台共同实施的国家涵养工程百集纪录片。第三季先后在央视纪录频道、爱奇艺等平台播出,一如既往地受到观众好评。 本书完整呈现了《如果国宝会说话》第三季25件国宝的故事内容,以流畅生动的语言讲述国宝背后鲜为人知的传奇故事和曲折经历,在引人入胜、跌宕起伏的故事中,寻找中华魂魄,引领读者领略中华国宝不朽的价值与魅力。此外,图书增加了大量有关文物的制作工艺、相关中国文化、中外文化对比的辅文,使本书更具人文性、知识性和艺术性,使历史文物爱好者和广大读者继纪录片后,能对文物传奇、历史探索、中华文化有更为深入的探寻。 目录 Goddess of the Luo River Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Gathering by Wang Xizhi (Shenlong Version) Brick Painting of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove and Rong Qiqi Buddhist Statues in Longxing Temple,Qingzhou Flying Apsaras Tan Yao's Five Caves,Yungang Grottoes Flower Tree-shaped Golden Buyao Gilded Silver Jug Tang Figures of Noble Ladies Brocade with Standing Lion and Floral Medallion Design Six Steeds at Zhaoling Mausoleum Iron Knife with Crystal Pendant and 10-Character Inscription Huiluo Granary Inscription Brick Iron Oxen along the Yellow River Tablet for Roman Nestorianism in China Astana Figurines and Documents Tricolor Camel Figurine with a Music Ensemble Gilt Silver Turtle-shaped Wine Chip Holder with The Analects of Confucius Harmonization Inscription Celadon Ewer with Brown Poetry Design,Changsha Ware Astana Paintings of Fuxi and Nvwa Gilded Bronze Dragon with an Iron Core Tang Painted Figurines of the Chinese Zodiac Agate Cup with Gold-Inlaid Beast Head Tea Set,Underground Palace,Famen Temple Dunhuang Sutra Illustrations |