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书名 | 社会科学任务型学术英语写作(上海高等学校一流本科建设引领计划系列教材) |
分类 | 教育考试-外语学习-英语 |
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出版社 | 上海交通大学出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 本书为“上海高等学校一流本科建设引领计划项目系列教材”。教程针对社会科学专业的大学生进行“项目式”学术英语写作的指导。教程采用广义专门用途英语概念,同时关注写作认知过程和学术英语的语言特征,引导学生分步完成研究选题、数据收集分析、报告写作和展示活动,并提供Endnote使用方法、APA格式讲解、小组互评、写作能力评价等实用的教学与研究工具。本书适合大学本科生及研究生使用。 目录 Introduction Part 1 The Journey of Researching Chapter 1 Design Your Plan Content:Understanding feelings about report writing;keeping positive emotion;making a writing plan Chapter 2 Get an Exciting Idea Content:Finding an idea that excites you;annotating your reading Chapter 3 Choose Research Methods and Write Research Proposals Content:Choosing a research method that suits you;finding out your research strength and weakness;functions of a research proposal:structure of a research proposal Chapter 4 Get Data for Your Research Content:Collecting data for non-empirical and empirical research;problems of collectine data Chapter 5 Analyze Your Data Content:Importance ot analyzmg data;analyzing data for quantitative and qualitative research Chapter 6 Stay on the Riht Track Content:Tackling problems of block;searching support strategies Chapter 7 Work Well in a Team Content::running an efficient team Chapter 8 Reject Plagiarism and Find Your Voice Content:Avoiding plagiarism;citing properly Chapter 9 Be an Ethical Researcher Content:Trying to be an ethical student researcher;learning the spirit of researchers Part 2 The Journey of Writing Chapter 10 Write Introduction Content:Purpose of Introduction part;moves and steps;language patterns Chapter 11 Write Literature Review Content:Purpose of Literature Review part;moves and steps;language patterns Chapter 12 Write Methodology Content:Purpose of Methodology part;moves and steps:language patterns Chapter 13 Write ResuIts Content:Purpose of Results part;moves and steps;language patterns Chapter 14 Write DiscussiOn Content:Purpose of Discussion part;moves and steps;language patterns Chapter 15 Write Conclusion Content:Purpose of Concluding part;moves and steps;language patterns Chapter 16 Write Abstract Content:Purpose of Abstract part;moves and steps;language patterns Chapter 17 Write Titles Content:Purpose of Title part;structure of title;language patterns Chapter 18 Edit and write Effectively Content:Editing from the first draft;using effective language Chapter 19 write In-text Citations and References Content:APA system;softwares helpful for in—text citation and references Part 3 The Journey of Presenting Chapter 20 Plan Your Oral Presentation Content:Preparing presentation of report Chapter 21 Design Your Oral Presentation Content:Designing PPT;preparing public speaking Chapter 22 Plan Your Poster Oral Presentation Content:Preparing poster Chapter 23 Plan Your Conference Proposal Content:Writing conference proposal Part 4 Specialized Genres Chapter 24 Case Study Content:Functions of case studies;moves and steps;language patterns Chapter 25 Business Proposal Content:Different categories of a business proposal;The structure and language features of a business proposal;Strategies of writing a successful business proposal Chapter 26 Social Survey Reports Content:Functions of social survey;moves.and steps;language patterns Part 5 Conclusion Chapter 27 Wrap up with Reflection Content:How to write reflection journals;how to do self assessment References |
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