内容推荐 本书结合我国生态文明建设的国家战略需求,依托国家重点研发计划“场地土壤污染成因与治理技术”重点专项(2019YFC1804303),紧密结合科研育人的内在要求,从培养高层次创新型人才知识结构需求出发,注重内容的理论性、系统性、前沿性和完整性。主要内容包括裂隙介质概念、结构与特性、裂隙介质水动力学基础、裂隙介质中污染物基本传质过程、裂隙介质中污染物传质的数学模型、裂隙介质中污染物传质的数值模拟方法、裂隙-孔隙双重介质传质过程、裂隙介质中污染物传质界面的演化规律等内容。 本书可作为地质、水利、矿山、土木、环境、交通、石油、人防、国防等专业教学用书,也可作为相关专业科技人员的参考用书。 目录 Preface Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Mass transfer in saturated system 1.2 Mass transfer in unsaturated system Chapter 2 Concepts, Structure, and Properties of Fractured Media 2.1 Basic concepts of fractured media 2.2 Structure of fractured media 2.3 Properties of fractured media 2.3.1 Porosity of rock mass 2.3.2 Permeability of rock mass 2.3.3 Permeability of geologic formations 2.4 Characterization and reconstruction of fractured media 2.4.1 2D self-affine fracture generation 2.4.2 3D sheared fractures with the shear displacement Chapter 3 Basic Law of Fluid Flow in Fractured Media 3.1 Basic concepts of fluid flow in fractured media 3.1.1 Viscous versus inviscid regions of flow 3.1.2 Laminar versus turbulent flow 3.1.3 One-, two-, and three-dimensional flows 3.2 Linear flow law 3.2.1 Darcy's Law 3.2.2 Cubic law 3.3 Non-linear flow law 3.3.1 Izbash equation 3.3.2 Forchheimer equation 3.4 Multiphase flow 3.4.1 Basic concept of multiphase flow 3.4.2 Immiscible fluid flow 3.4.3 Immiscible three-phase flow Chapter 4 Basic Process of Mass Transfer in Fractured Media 4.1 Diffusion 4.2 Brownian motion and Fick's Law 4.2.1 Brownian motion 4.2.2 Fick's First Law 4.2.3 Fick's Second Law 4.3 Advection 4.4 Difference in dispersion and diffusion 4.5 Taylor dispersion 4.6 Adsorption and desorption 4.7 Precipitation and dissolution Chapter 5 Mathematical Model of Mass Transfer in Fractured Media 5.1 Analytical solution of advection-dispersion equation (ADE) model 5.1.1 ADE model and analytical solution in one-dimensional fractured media 5.1.2 ADE model and analytical solution in two-dimensional fractured media 5.1.3 _ ADE model and analytical solution in three-dimensional fractured media 5.2 Continuous time random walk (CTRW) model 5.3 Mobile-Immobile (MIM) model 5.4 Spatial moment 5.5 Scalar dissipation rate(SDR)and dilution index 5.5.1 Scalar dissipation rate (SDR) 5.5.2 Dilution index Chapter 6 Numerical Methods of Mass Transfer Process in Fractured Media 6.1 Lattice Boltzmann method 6.2 Immiscible two-phase transport model: Phase field method 6.3 Pore-scale aqueous solute transport model 6.4 Coupling strategy 6.5 Behaviors of aqueous tracer mass transfer Chapter 7 Mass Transfer Between Matrix and Filled Fracture During Imbibition Process 7.1 LF-NMR measurement and principle 7.2 Experimental materials 7.3 Distribution of the imbibed water 7.4 Imbibition rate and analytical model Chapter 8 Influence of Wettability on Interfacial Area for Immiscible Liquid Invasion 8.1 Interfacial area for immiscible liquid invasion 8.2 Entry pressure 8.3 Two phase flow characteristics 8.4 Capillary pressure saturation and interfacial area relationships Chapter 9 Multiscale Roughness Influence on Solute Transport in Fracture 9.1 Statistical self-affine property 9.2 Roughness decomposition 9.3 Flow field characteristics in fractures 9.4 Relationship between tracer longitudinal dispersion and Peclet number Chapter 10 Influence of Eddies on Solute Transport Through a Fracture 10.1 Flow field and eddies formation 10.2 Spatial evolution of solute and BTC characteristics 10.3 Inverse model for non-Fickian BTCs 10.4 Uniformity of concentration distribution Chapter 11 Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Solute Transport in Fractures 11.1 Coupling flow and concentration fields based on LBM 11.2 Taylor dispersion simulation based on LBM 11.3 Characteristics of solute transport in a single rough fracture References List of Frequently Used Symbols |