内容推荐 本书包含114则短篇英文故事,均由英美权威语言教学专家精心编写。故事内容十分丰富,如课堂趣事、山洞探险、人物小传、工作经历等,几乎涵盖了西方生活和文化的方方面面。这些故事情节曲折入胜,人物活灵活现,语言简洁地道,立意深入浅出,让你在轻松愉快的阅读环境中顺利掌握核心词汇。 本书收录了3500个单词,都是根据历年高考真题精心筛选而来,紧扣高考考试大纲,凸显核心释义。每篇故事的“记单词”部分是对故事核心词汇的注解,包含单词在文中的核心释义、单词的基本词义及相关短语等,从而让你对高考词汇能有一个准确而全面的把握。 本书布局巧妙独特、科学合理。每一篇故事正文都配有卡通手绘漫画,旨在凸显对单词和故事的关联记忆。每背完一组单词可对照单词表自查,结合书中的漫画插图复述故事,边讲边回忆:每一处情节都出现了什么核心词汇。你还可以结合漫画展开联想,用这些单词续写故事,不仅能强化记忆,还能锻炼写作能力,为高考作文的故事续写打下坚实基础。 目录 1. The School Bully 2. Saturday Adventure 3. A Farming Family 4. Ambitious Uncle, Loyal Father 5. Fifty Years of Love 6. Appreciating Art 7. The Little Green-eyed Monster 8. Beach Bathing 9. The Worst Punishment 10. Birthday Blues 11. Big Boss Bully 12. The All-girls Tree-climbing Club 13. A Funeral for Brownies 14. Oliver Goes Shopping 15. The Strange Case of the Strange Man 16. The Cave 17. A Cheating Student 18. A Chinese Christmas 19. A Closed Door but an Open Window 20. A Common Mistake 21. A Tale of Two Conductors 22. An Unexpected Visit 23. The Bad Man and the Hero 24. A Date at Dawn 25. Deadly Rivals 26. Dinner Engagement 27. What's up, Murry? 28. A Cold Dream 29. The Early Bird 30. Edison Lights up My Life 31. A Decision Too Late! 32. Having the Right Chemistry 33. Fan Club 34. Being Cruel to Be Kind 35. First Love 36. The Flight Home 37. Four Friends 38. Where Did You Find Charlie? 39. A 4th-generation German 40. Watch Your Back! 41. Great Days on the Farm 42. One Thing I Hate More Than a Haircut 43. Heart Attack 44. Mother Knows Best 45. A Woman's Work Is Never Done 46. Hospital Visitor 47. Last Minute Nerves 48. Going to Japan 49. The Lonely Liar 50. Could You Give Me a Hand Here? 51. How Could I Forget My Birthday? 52. Little White Rabbit 53. Losing My Temper and My Luggage. 54. School Dropout 55. Meeting His Match 56. So Many Things to Do 57. Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall 58. A Bird's Eye View 59. How I Found My Best Friend 60. The Paper Pilferer 61. The Nose Nurse 62. All in a Day's Work 63. Starting Afresh 64. As Dumb as an Ox 65. Strolling Around Paris 66. The Long Pause 67. Memories of My Grandfather 68. A Charming Young Actress 69. The Poisoned Well 70. The Perfect Politician's Wife 71. A Perfect Score 72. The Homecoming 73. Glamour Star 74. Such a Bad Son 75. How I Met Your Mother 76. An Angel's Feather 77. I Want It Back! 78. All Afloat at Sea 79. The Secret Filmstar 80. The Shadow of "Her" Shape .. 81. Hide and Seek 82. Beware of Wolves 83. Mother's Little Helper 84. Mom Solves the Problem 85. Spanish Soup for the Soul 86. Returning Home 87. My Statue Left Me 88. Further Education 89. Do You Remember Me? 90. Back at School 91. Silence Isn't Golden 92. As Perfect as a Statue 93. A Ticket for the Show 94. Man Overboard 95. Lost in Wonder 96. Buried Treasure 97. Too Shy to Talk 98. Gone Missing! 99. A Drunk Wages War 100. Welcome to the Beach 101. Stormy Weather 102. Winter Wishes 103. Window Shopping 104. Beware of the Elephant! 105. The Slacker 106. Movie Mania 107. Expanding Your Horizons 108. To Make the World a Better Place 109. Helping a Friend 110. Strawberry Pie 111. Dinosaur Teeth 112. The Real Jewel 113. The Rash 114. Spring Break |