内容推荐 党内法规制度体系建设自党的十八大以来有较快发展,取得了具有建设性与开创性的丰硕成果。本书从党内法规体系的发展历程、党内法规体系的加快建成、党内法规体系的框架构成和党内法规体系的守正创新四个方面,总结中国共产党百年来在党内法规体系建设方面取得的成果,引导读者循序渐进了解中国共产党党内法规体系的建设与发展,了解中国共产党在党内建设探索之路上的创新与成就。 目录 Contents Preface 1.The Development Course of the System of Intraparty Rules and Regulations 2.Accelerating the Establishment of the System of Intraparty Rules and Regulations 3.The Framework of the System of Intraparty Rules and Regulations 4.Improving the System of Intraparty Rules and Regulations through a Spirit of Self-Reliance, and Innovation Conclusion |