内容推荐 一流名校怎么训练?尖子生做哪些作业?这套作业本将全面展现给你。拥有“黄冈小状元”,就等于步人了名校课堂,加入了尖子生的行列,与尖子生同步。 做小状元作业,课课过关,天天进步。 为了让小朋友学好每一课,天天有收获,编者紧扣课本精心设计了课课练、天天练、单元练,题目新颖、灵活多样、知识全面、能力训练突出。许多小朋友使用后,成绩明显提高,进步很快。 做小状元作业,走状元成功之路。 本书是供小学生课堂、课外使用的同步练习册,突出新课标理念。 目录 Unit 1 Whats he like? Let's try Let's talk Let's learn Ask and answer Let'sspell 阶段复习训练 Let's try Let's talk Let's learn Match and say Read and write Let's check Let's wrap it up Story time 单元检测 Unit 2 My week Let's try Let's talk Let's learn Let's play Let's spell 阶段复习训练 Let's try Let's talk Let's learn Group work Read and write Let's check Let's wrap it up Story time 单元检测 Unit 3 What would you like? Let's try Let's talk Let's learn Role-play Let's spell 阶段复习训练 Let's try Let's talk Let's learn Look, write and say Let'scheck Let's wrap it up 期中复习巩固练习 Unit 4 What can you do? Let's try Let's talk Let's learn Ask and answer Let's spell 阶段复习训练 Let's try Let's talk Let's learn Match and say Read and write Let's check Let's wrap it up Story time 单元检测 Unit 5 There is a big bed Let's try Let's talk Let's learn Ask and answer Let's spell 阶段复习训练 Let's try Let's talk Let's learn Write and say Read and write Let's check Let's wrap it up Story time 单元检测 Unit 6 In a nature park Let's try Let's talk Let's learn Ask and answer Let's spell 阶段复习训练 Let's try Let's talk Let's learn Write and say Read and write Let's check Let's wrap it up Story time 单元检测 期末复习巩固练习 期末检测 听力材料及参考答案