内容推荐 《英语(高2上学期使用经典版)/晨读晚练》的定位是时文和美文,选取的都是目前真实鲜活的语言。由于题材包罗万象,读者难免会觉得有些文章生词数量偏多,尤其在科技说明文中,这是不可避免的。读者大可不必望而却步。首先,较难的词,尤其是专业词汇,已经在“生词加油站”中标注,不影响阅读;其次,对照参考译文,理解原文毫无问题;再者,如果为了完全照顾学生的现有语言水平而对文章作大幅度的修改,这样学生的词汇量得不到提高,同时也影响语言的真实性和时文信息的有效性。 目录 Week 1 Individual,Family and Friends 个人、家庭和朋友 MON.晨读 Types of Friends 晚练 Friend TUES.晨读 Everyone Needs Friendship 晚练 Father's Love WED.晨读 In This Life,What did You Miss? 晚练 Secret of Family Happiness THUR.晨读 If I Were a Boy Again 晚练 Carpe Diem FRL.晨读 IF I Had My Life to Live Over 晚练 Try to Forgive Week 2 Language Study and School Education 语言学习与学校教育 MON.晨读 Move Forward 晚练 College Education TUES.晨读 Words are Powerful 晚练 E.S.L.Class WED.晨读 Learning:A Lifelong Career 晚练 Long-Distance Education THUR.展读 Big Rocks in Your Life 晚练 Education Needs Understanding FRI.晨读 Love:The One Creative Force 晚练 Open Eduction Week 3 Emotion,Mood and Communication 情感、情绪与人际交往 MON.晨读 The Nails and the Fence 晚练 Trusting in the Kindness of Strangers TUES.晨读 Gifts of the Heart 晚练 The Relationship between Partner and Happiness WED.晨读 The Hand 晚练 Precious Lesson THUR.晨读 The Best Time in My Life 晚练 Get Along with People FRL.晨读 Splashes in Your Life 晚练 Are Modern People Becoming More Selfish? Week 4 Diet,Nourishing, Hygiene and Health 饮食、养生、卫生、健康 Week 5 World and Environment 世界与环境 Week 6 Nature(Plant、Creature) and Weather 自然(植物、生物)与天气 Week 7 Character and Experience 人物与经历 Week 8 Internet and Career 网络时代与职场趣闻 Week 9 Survey and Research 调查研究 Week 10 Apperception, Growth and Philosophy 感悟、成长与哲理情思 Week 11 True Love 真情真爱 Week 12 Expert's Advice 专家建议 Week 13 Fable, Story and Poetry 寓言、故事与诗歌 参考答案与解析