内容推荐 《从汉学到“后华性”:有关中国、中国人和中华文明的知识史(英文版)》主要通过收集中国、中华文明和世界各地的中国人民的个人口述历史,形成一本关于中国的“知识史”,考虑中国、中国学者和中国学术之间的关系,提出了“后中国”的概念。该课题来自于中国社会科学院信息情报研究院靠前中国学研究中心,自2005年以来一直得到各国和民间团体的支持。 目录 Introduction Following the Path ofItalian Sinology China in Belgium:From a Religious,Economic and Political Interest to the Development of an Academic Discipline Changes Historical Context about Modem Japan’S Cognition on China:A Discussion From the Alame 0f“Shina” Indonesian Intellectuals and China:A BriefIn仕oduction Hungarian and Polish Sinology——Parallel Lives From Sinology to Contemporary China Studies:The Case of Hong Kong in the Post war Period The So Construction ofthe Realm ofthe Discipline:Polish Sinology China Studies in the Philippines:Evolution and Challenges China Studies in Contemporary South Asia A Project Note on the“Russian Sinology(2008 20 1 5):ResuRs and Prospects Oral History ofChinese Studies in Thailand:A Project Note A Comparative Analysis of the Oral History of Vietnamese Scholars nn China Studies |