Foreword by Victor F. Weisskopf
Preface by the Editor
Survey of the Historical Development and the Current Problems of Electrodynamics
1. Electrostatics and Magnetostatics
1. Coulomb's Law
2. The Field of Point Charges
3. Volume and Surface Charge Distributions
4. Energy of the Electrostatic Field
5. Example: Charge Distributions with Spherical Symmetry
6. Proof of the Equivalence of the Electrostatic Field Equations with Coulomb's Law
7. Dielectrics, Phenomenological Treatment
8. ElectroTheory Interpretatioof Dielectric Phenomena
9. The Potential Problem
10. Curvilinear Coordinates
11. Examples of Solutions of the Potential Problem
12. Magnetostatics
13. Units and Dimensions
2. Steady-State Currents
14. Theory of Steady-State Currents
15. The Magnetic Fields of Steady-State Currents
16. The Equivalence of the Magnetic Field Due to Closed Current Loops with that Due to a Distributioof Magnetic Dipoles
17. Ponderomotive Forces
18. The Principle of Actioand Reactiofor Electric and Magnetic Forces. The Maxwell Stress Tensors
3. Quasi-Static Fields
19. Faraday's Law of Induction
20. The Energy of Current Systems
21. Time-Dependent Current Flow iCircuits
22. The SkiEffect
23. The Law of Inductiofor Moving Conductors
4. Rapidly Varying Fields
24. The Maxwell Equations
25. Electromagnetic Waves in Vacuum
26. Conservatioof Energy and Momentum
27. Electromagnetic Waves in Material Media
28. Radiatioof Electromagnetic Waves
29. The Field of a Point Charge in Uniform Motion
30. Radiation damping
Appendix. Comments by the Editor