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书名 人工智能机器人学导论(第2版英文版)/国外计算机科学教材系列
作者 (美)罗宾·R.墨菲
出版社 电子工业出版社
罗宾·R.墨菲(Robin R.Murphy),分别于1980年、1989年和1992年在美国佐治亚理工学院获得机械工程学学士学位、计算机科学硕士和博士学位,现任得克萨斯农工大学计算机科学与工程系的Raytheon荣誉教授,机器人辅助搜索与救援研究中心主任。IEEE会士,曾任IEEE机器人和自动化执行委员会执委。研究方向为人工智能、人-机器人交互,以及异构多机器人系统。已发表100多部/篇出版物,是国际范围内救援机器人和人-机器人交互领域的开创者之一。
Ⅰ Framework for Thinking About AI and Robotics
1 What Are Intelligent Robots?
1.1 Overview
1.2 Definition: What Is an Intelligent Robot?
1.3 What Are the Components of a Robot?
1.4 Three Modalities: What Are the Kinds of Robots?
1.5 Motivation: Why Robots?
1.6 Seven Areas of AI: Why Intelligence?
1.7 Summary
1.8 Exercises
1.9 End Notes
2 A Brief History of AI Robotics
2.1 Overview
2.2 Robots as Tools, Agents, or Joint Cognitive Systems
2.3 World War II and the Nuclear Industry
2.4 Industrial Manipulators
2.5 Mobile Robots
2.6 Drones
2.7 The Move to Joint Cognitive Systems
2.8 Summary
2.9 Exercises
2.10 End Notes
3 Automation and Autonomy
3.1 Overview
3.2 The Four Sliders of Autonomous Capabilities
3.2.1 Plans: Generation versus Execution
3.2.2 Actions: Deterministic versus Non-deterministic
3.2.3 Models: Open- versus Closed-World
3.2.4 Knowledge Representation: Symbols versus Signals
3.3 Bounded Rationality
3.4 Impact of Automation and Autonomy
3.5 Impact on Programming Style
3.6 Impact on Hardware Design
3.7 Impact on Types of Functional Failures
3.7.1 Functional Failures
3.7.2 Impact on Types of Human Error
3.8 Trade-Spaces in Adding Autonomous Capabilities
3.9 Summary
3.10 Exercises
3.11 End Notes
4 Software Organization of Autonomy
4.1 Overview
4.2 The Three Types of Software Architectures
4.2.1 Types of Architectures
4.2.2 Architectures Reinforce Good Software Engineering Principles
4.3 Canonical AI Robotics Operational Architecture
4.3.1 Attributes for Describing Layers
4.3.2 The Reactive Layer
4.3.3 The Deliberative Layer
4.3.4 The Interactive Layer
4.3.5 Canonical Operational Architecture Diagram
4.4 Other Operational Architectures
4.4.1 Levels of Automation
4.4.2 Autonomous Control Levels (ACL)
4.4.3 Levels of Initiative
4.5 Five Subsystems in Systems Architectures
4.6 Three Systems Architecture Paradigms
4.6.1 Trait 1: Interaction Between Primitives
4.6.2 Trait 2: Sensing Route
4.6.3 Hierarchical Systems Architecture Paradigm
4.6.4 Reactive Systems Paradigm
4.6.5 Hybrid Deliberative/Reactive Systems Paradigm
4.7 Execution Approval and Task Execution
4.8 Summary
4.9 Exercises
4.10 End Notes
5 Telesystems
5.1 Overview
5.2 Taskable Agency versus Remote Presence
5.3 The Seven Components of a Telesystem
5.4 Human Supervisory Control
5.4.1 Types of Supervisory Control
5.4.2 Human Supervisory Control for Telesystems
5.4.3 Manual Control
5.4.4 Traded Control
5.4.5 Shared Control
5.4.6 Guarded Motion
5.5 Human Factors
5.5.1 Cognitive Fatigue
5.5.2 Latency
5.5.3 Human: Robot Ratio
5.5.4 Human Out-of-the-Loop Control Problem
5.6 Guidelines for Determining if a Telesystem Is Suitable for an Application
5.6.1 Examples of Telesystems
5.7 Summary
5.8 Exercises
5.9 End Notes
Ⅱ Reactive Functionality
6 Behaviors
6.1 Overview
7 Perception and Behaviors
8 Behavioral Coordination
9 Locomotion
10 Sensors and Sensing
11 Range Sensing
Ⅲ Deliberative Functionality
12 Deliberation
13 Navigation
14 Metric Path Planning and Motion Planning
15 Localization, Mapping, and Exploration
16 Learning
Ⅳ Interactive Functionality
17 MultiRobot Systems (MRS)
18 Human-Robot Interaction
Ⅴ Design and the Ethics of Building Intelligent Robots
19 Designing and Evaluating Autonomous Systems
20 Ethics




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