内容推荐 本书的目的是介绍那些非凡的数字。再讨论数字本身之后,将看到卡塔兰数计算的更卓越的组合产物。本书是按主题编排的,这从目录中就可以看出。例如,其中一章专门讨论卡塔兰数和树状图,另一章专门讨论卡塔兰数和排列。 目录 1 Introduction TheBinaryDecompositionModel Counting by Characterization Words Over an Alphabet Some Notation 2 Dyck Words Bertrand’S Ballot Problem Counting Paths Monotonic Paths Dyck Paths 3 The Catalan Numbers Basic Properties ofthe Catalan Numbers Integral Representation Recurrence Relation and Generating Function Generating Function 4 Catalan Numbers and Paths Monotone Paths Dyck Paths Path Summary 5 Catalan Numbers and Trees Ordered Trees Binary Trees Full Binary Trees Noncrossing,Alternating Trees Tree Summary 6 CatalanNumbers andGeometricWidgits Nonintersecting Chords Tilings of a Staircase Noncrossing,Alternating Chords Triangulations of a Convex Polygon Disk Stacking Geometric Widgit Summary 7 CatalanNumbers andAlgebraicWidgits Correct Parenthesizing Under a Nonassoci live Binary Operation Balanced Parentheses NuU Sums in Zn+1 Algebraic Widgit Summary 8 Catalan Numbers and Interval Structures Separated Families ofIntervals Covenng Antichains in Int([n]1) Antichains in Int([n-1]) Interval Summary 9 Catalan Numbers and Partitions Noncrossing Partitions Noncrossing Partitions and Davenport—Schinzel Sequences DS Sequences and Partitions Counting MNDS Sequences Partition Summary 10 Catalan Numbers and Permutations Permutations Obrained from Stacks and Queues Stack Permutations Stack.Sortable Permutations 321一Avoiding and 123一Avoiding Permutations Permutation Summary 11 Catalan Numbers and Semiorders The Definition of Semiorder Characterization by Maximal Completely Indif_ferent Subsets Canonical Forms for Semiordered Sets More on Semiorders Characterization bv F0rbidden Subposet Characterization by Unit Interval Order Semiorder Summary Recap Exercises Solutions and Hints Appendix Index 编辑手记