内容推荐 清华大学丘成桐数学科学中心自2009年成立以来,已经成为数学专业学生与数学家进行数学学习和思想交流的重要平台;清华三亚国际数学论坛是与该中心紧密联系的另一个学术交流场所。清华和三亚两地吸引了许多著名的数学家来进行内容丰富的讲座和访谈。《清华数学讲义(英文版)(精)》包含了主编季理真、潘日新、丘成桐精选的部分讲座的讲义和基于一些访谈的综述文章。 数学是非常多样化和广博的,但也存在着一些基本的主题。我们希望本书中的文章既能体现数学的丰富性又能展现其统一性。 目录 Part I Course Notes Lectures on the Geometry of the Scalar Curvature Part II Survey Papers Modular Generalized Springer Correspondence: an Overview The Yamabe Problem on Dirichlet Spaces Stacks in Representation Theory Remarks on Mirror Symmetry of Donaldson-Thomas Theory for Calabi-Yau 4-folds On the Counting of Hitchin Bundles Image Nonnegative Factorization: Formulation and Numerical Strategies l-adic Realization of Some Aspects of Landau-Ginzburg β-models The Conformal Flow of Metrics and the General Penrose Inequality Floer Theoretic Invariants for 3- and 4-manifolds Kodaira Dimension in Low Dimensional Topology Counting Holomorphic Discs in K3 Surfaces Uniqueness of Kerr Solution and Positive Mass Theorem On Metrics that Can Be Viewed as "Localized Einstein Metrics" Kahler Geometry, Momentum Maps and Convex Sets Springer Correspondence for Complex Reflection Groups Sequences Modulo One: Convergence of Local Statistics Smooth Transonic Flows in De Laval Nozzles Some Recent Results in CR Geometry Backward Uniqueness for Parabolic Operators Heat Flows with Applications