wallpaper UK ['wɔ:lˌpeɪ.pər] US ['wɑ:lˌpeɪ.pɚ] noun WALL 墙壁 countable or uncountable ■a thick, often decorative, paper used for covering the walls and sometimes ceilings of a room 墙纸,壁纸•a roll of wallpaper一卷壁纸 •We thought we'd put up/hang some wallpaper in the children's bedroom to make it brighter.我们觉得可以在孩子们的卧室里贴一些壁纸,使屋子显得更明亮些。 •I saw a wallpaper today that would be just right for the bathroom.我今天看到了一种壁纸,正适合用来装饰浴室。 •We'll need some wallpaper paste and a big brush.我们需要一些糊墙纸的浆糊和一把大刷子。 UK ['wɔ:lˌpeɪ.pər] US ['wɑ:lˌpeɪ.pɚ] noun COMPUTER 电脑 uncountable specialized ■a design or image that you choose to appear on the desktop (= main) screen of your computer (电脑)桌面背景 UK ['wɔ:lˌpeɪ.pər] US ['wɑ:lˌpeɪ.pɚ] verb transitive ■to put wallpaper on the walls of a room 贴上壁纸•We've wallpapered the bedrooms.我们已经给卧室贴上了壁纸。 |