wallow UK ['wɒl.əʊ] US ['wɑ:.loʊ] verb intransitive ■(especially of particular animals) to lie or roll about slowly in deep wet earth, sand or water (尤指动物在泥、沙或水中)打滚•a hippopotamus wallowing in mud在烂泥中打滚的河马 UK ['wɒl.əʊ] US ['wɑ:.loʊ] verb intransitive Phrasal Verbs wallow in sth ENJOY ■to allow yourself to enjoy something completely 纵情享受;放纵于•My idea of a holiday is to book myself into a five-star hotel and just wallow in the luxury for a week.我心目中的假期是预订一家五星级的饭店,纵情享受奢华的一周。 REMAIN UNHAPPY ■to remain in an unhappy emotional state without trying to get out of it, as if you are enjoying it or trying to get sympathy from other people 沉湎于,陷于•I wish she'd do something to help herself instead of just wallowing in self-pity!我希望她能做一些有助于自已的事,而不是沉湎于顾影自怜之中! |