内容推荐 在全球化的今天,文学理论受到哪些影响?它为什么不断地被诅咒“死亡”?它未来的发展趋势又如何?由马丁·麦奎兰、格雷姆·麦克唐纳、罗宾·珀维斯、斯蒂芬·汤姆森编的《后理论——文化批评的新方向(英文版)》对文学理论在当下的功能及未来的发展方向进行了反思,不少观点颇引人深思,对在国际上推广中国文学理论批评更是不无启发。 目录 Preface Acknowledgements The Joy of Theory Part I Deja Vu 1 Deja Vu 2 Deconstruction and the 'Unfinished Project of Modernity' 3 Post-Gender: Jurassic Feminism Meets Queer Politics 4 The Pleasures of Labour: Marxist Aesthetics in a Post-Marxist World 5 Is the Novel Original? Derrida and (Post-)Modernity 6 Pierre Bourdieu and the Chronotopes of 'Post-Theory' Part II Inter 7 Inter Part III The Post-Theory Condition 8 English Studies in the Postmodern Condition: Towards a Place for the Signifier 9 Ethopoeia, Source-Study and Legal History: A Post-Theoretical Approach to the Question of 'Character' in Shakespearean Drama 10 The Death Drive Does Not Think 11 'Various Infinitudes': Narration, Embodiment and Ontology in Beckett's How It Is and Spinoza's Ethics 12 Edward Said after Theory: The Limits of Counterpoint 13 Grounding Theory: Literary Theory and the New Geography Post-Word Notes on Contributors Index