内容推荐 《凤凰英语·分级阅读》分为6个级别,采用双月刊的模式,涵盖小学和初中两个阶段。参考《中国中小学生分级阅读标准》,从词汇量、句型、时态、句长等重要的语言分级参数上进行细化,力求更精准的制定每一级的语言难度,让每个孩子都能找到适合自己的那一级。 凤凰英语编辑部编的《PHOENIX ENGLISH凤凰英语分级阅读(第6级第1辑)》,语言地道,话题多样,既包括经典故事改编和原创故事,也涉及人物、历史、文学、地理、科技等其他话题。每篇文章配有重点词句解析和录音。让您在享受阅读的同时收获知识、快乐和美感。 目录 1. Classics:Rapunzel 2.Part-time Jobs 3.Extinct Beasts:Volume One 4.Other People's Shoes 5.Great Cities of the World:Paris 6.A Quiz:Are You a Fashion Victim? 7.Awesome Authors:William Shakespeare 8.Breakfast Around the World 9.Adventures in History:The Gang Solved the Riddle 10.Dear Abby:The Third Wheel 11.Sports Stars:Harry the Hurricane! 12.Go Fish 13.Greek Mythology:Orpheus and Eurydice 14.Inventive Young People 15.Live a Little 16.Country Profiles:Magical Mexico 17.Let's Dance! 18.Pros and Cons of School Uniforms 19. The Space Station Trip