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书名 英语写作基础教程(第3版十二五普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材)
分类 教育考试-外语学习-英语
作者 丁往道//吴冰
出版社 高等教育出版社
丁往道、吴冰主编的《英语写作基础教程(第3版十二五普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材)》主要是为高等学校英语专业一、二年级的学生编写的,同时适合师专、广播电视大学、成人高等学校的英语专业使用,也可供英语水平相近的自学者参考。  本书是作者在总结自己几十年丰富的英语写作教学经验、研究近年国内外英语写作教学方法的基础上推出的。全书用清晰、浅易的英语介绍了英语写作的基本方法和特点,讲解时提供了较多的例句、例段和范文,其中既有英、美作家的作品,又有中国学生的习作,内容有趣,贴近生活,易于模仿。全书共8章,包括文稿格式和标点符号的用法、选词、造句、段落、摘要、作文、应用文及学术论文的写作方法。每章都附有练习题和参考答案,引导学习者循序渐进地提高英语写作水平。
Chapter 1 Manuscript Form and Punctuation
1 Manuscript Form
1. Arrangement
2. Word Division
3. Capitalization
4. Handwriting
2 Punctuation
1. The Comma (,)
2. The Period (.)
3. The Semicolon (;)
4. The Colon ( : )
5. The Question Mark (?)
6. The Exclamation Mark ( ! )
7. Quotation Marks (“...”)
8. Parentheses / Brackets ((...))
9. Square Brackets ( [...] )
10. The Dash (--)
11. The Slash ( / )
12. Underlining and Italics
Keys for Reference
Chapter 2 Using Proper Words
1 Types of Words
2 Choice of Words
3 Synonyms
Some Good Dictionaries
Keys for Reference
Chapter 3 Making Correct and Effective Sentences
1 Correct Sentences
1. Completeness in Structure
2. The Right Subject
3. Agreement Between the Subject and the Predicate Verb
4. Agreement Between Pronoun and Antecedent
5. Clear Pronoun Reference
6. Ending Sentences with Full Stops
7. Joining Clauses with Conjunctions
8. A Main Clause in a Complex Sentence
9. Proper Use of Comparisons
10. Correct Use of the Tenses
2 Coordination and Subordination
3 Effective Sentences
1. Unity
2. Coherence
3. Conciseness
4. Emphasis
5. Variety
6. Avoid Chinglish
Keys for Reference
Chapter 4 Developing Paragraphs
1 Features of a Paragraph
2 Ways of Developing a Paragraph
1. Development by Time
2. Development by Process
3. Development by Space
4. Development by Example
5. Development by Comparison and Contrast
6. Development by Cause and Effect
7. Development by Classification
Keys for Reference
Chapter 5 Summarizing
I Uses of Summary-Writing
2 Procedure
1. Reading
2. Writing
3. Revision
Keys for Reference
Chapter 6 Composing Essays
I Criteria of a Good Composition
2 Steps in Writing a Composition
l. Planning a Composition
2. Writing the First Draft
3. Revising the First Draft
4. Making the Final Copy
3 Three Main Parts of a Composition
1. The Beginning
2. The Middle
3. The End
Types of Writing
1. Narration
2. Exposition
Keys for Reference
Chapter 7 Writing for Practical Purposes
1 Notices
2 Greetings, Good Wishes, and Formal Invitations
1. Greetings
2. Good Wishes
3. Formal Invitations
3 Notes
l. Appointments
2. Apologies
3. Informal Invitations
4. Requests
5. Thanks
6. Messages
1. Personal Letters
2. Business Letters
3. Envelopes
5 Resum6s
Keys for Reference
Chapter 8 Preparing Research Papers
1 Definition and Purpose
2 Steps
1. Choosing a Topic
2. Collecting Information
3. Analyzing the Information, Organizing Ideas
and Working Out an Outline
4. Writing the First Draft
5. Revising the Draft and Finalizing the Paper
3 Format
1. Components of a Paper
2. Use of Quotations
3. Use of Notes
4. Works Cited
A Sample Research Paper
Keys for Reference




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