1.Cell Research《细胞研究》伯乐相马——Cell Research的崛起之路
A Case Study of Cell Research
2.Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China《中国有色金属学报(英文版)》坚持“四化”发展,建设“三大”平台,打造有色金属国际知名期刊
Development Strategies of Transactions of Non ferrous Metals Society of China
3.Chinese Physics B《中国物理B》继承、发扬、创新、发展之路
Inheritance and Innovation:A Review of the 20—year Development of Chinese Physics B
4.Acta geologica Sinica《地质学报(英文版)》立足中国地学科技优势,创办国际主流地学刊物
Based upon the Advantage of Chinese Geological Research,Becoming the Leading International Geological Journal
5.Acta Pharmacologica Sinica《中国药理学报》继往开来迈向国际
Carrying on the Past and Opening a Way for the Future,Acta Pharmacologica Sinica is Paving toward Internationalization
6.Molecular Plant《分子植物》
Case Study of Molecular Plant
7.Journal of Rare Earths《稀土学报》英文版
打造国际一流学术期刊 树立国际稀土科技界航标
Establishing a Leading International Sci—tech Academic Journal,Becoming the Navigation Mark for International Rare Earths Tech World
8·Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering{中国化学工程学报》(英文版)提升核心竞争力 打造国际化科技期刊
Creating an International Journal by Enhancing the Core ComDetitiveness
9.Chinese Medical Journal《中华医学杂志(英文版)》《中华医学杂志(英文版)》——世界了解中国医学发展的重要窗口
Chinese Medical Journal:a window of China’s medical sciences to the world
10·Journal of Integrative Plant Biozogy《植物学报》英文版
From Traditional to Modern:Creation of an Elite International Journal
11.Chinese Physics Letters《中国物理快报》
Rapid Development of Chinese Physics by Various Ways
12.Acta Mechanica Sinica《力学学报》
Strive to Become a Flagship Journal in Mechanics by Developing Features
13.Cellular&Molecular Immunology《中国免疫学杂志(英文版)》
Through Scientific Development,Building a world Famous Scientific Journal——CMI
14.Chinese Chemical Letters《中国化学快报》
Borrowed Boat—Chinese Chemical Letters International Growth Course
15.Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics((天文和天体物理学研究(英文版)》
走向国际化的Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics
Internationalization of Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics
16.Acta Mathematica Sinica((数学学报(英文版)》
A Case Study of Acta Mathematica Sinica,(English Series)
17.Journal of Materials Science&Technology((材料科学技术(英文版)》
Developing Journal of Materials Science&Technology into a World--Leading
Materials Science Journal
18.Insect Science((昆虫科学》
Promote Academic Quality and Make a High Quality International Journal
19.Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine((中国结合医学杂志》
Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine:Making Contribution to Traditional
Chinese Medicine and Integrative Medicine
20.Rare Metals((稀有金属》(英文版)
Development Strategies of Rare Metals
21.China Ocean Engineering((中国海洋工程(英文版)》
China Ocean Engineering引领海洋工程科技发展
China Ocean Engineering:Guiding the Development of Ocean Engineering
Science and Technology
22.Virologica Sinica《中国病毒学(英文版)》
Virologica Sinica,Road Towards an Important International Virology Journal
23.Journal of Geographical Sciences((地理学报》(英文版)
JGS:Aiming at an International Journal
24.Journal of Coal Science&Engineering(China)((煤炭学报(英文版)》
Gathering the Industry’S Ability to Create the Best English Scientific
Journal of the World Coal Industry
25.Earthquake Science((地震学报》英文版
Earthquake Science on the Road of Internationalization