Industrial relations in China are undergoing profound changes. These changes were set in motion by reforms which ended centralised control of employment and wage fixing, reintroduced labour markets and made negotiations on labour contracts and wages extremely one-sided. Trade unions, which had no responsibility for collective bargaining under the socialist command economy, are now being challenged under the new dispensation to act as representatives of the workers under market conditions, while continuing to be under the tutelage of the party.
Part I
Representing Workers Interests through Trade Unions
RudoL f Traub-Merz
The All China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU)
Structure, Functions and the Challenges from Collective Bargaining
The ACFTU as a Lobby Organisation - The Making of the Labour Contract Law
Tripartite Coordination with Chinese Characteristics: A First Step
Towards Tripartite Consultation and Social Dialogue?
Capacity-building and Reform of Chinese Trade Unions:Using Legal and Democratic Means to Resolve the Conflict of Roles of Trade Union Chairs
The "Yiwu Model" and Labor Rights Protection with Chinese Characteristics
The Prospect of Trade Union Reform in China: The Cases of Wal-Mart and Honda
In the Absence of Industrial Democracy: Industrial Conflicts in China and Vietnam
Informal Labour Activism and the Prospects for Industrial Relations Reform in Vietnam
Transition in Union Representation and the Organisation of Worker Representation in Korea
Representation of Workers by Trade Unions: The Case of Germany
Part II
Workplace Representation of Workers beyond Trade Unions
An Overview of the Workers' Congress System in China
Workplace Consultation inVietnam
Industrial democracy through the Labor-Management Council in Non-union Firms in South-Korea
Representation of Workers at Plant and Company Level in Germany - Elected Representatives and Their Legal Position
Part III
Corporate Social RespOnsibility and Workers InterestsReingart Zimmer
WIll Corporate Social Responsility Help tO Improve
Working Conditions?
Liu Kaiming
The Current Situation and Trend of Corporate Social
Responsibilitv in China
Pun Ngai and Lu Huilin
The Foxconn Production Model and the New Era of
Student Workers---MaFen Knolle
Corporate Social Responsibility in Supply Chains:Improving
Working Conditions through Dialogue and Cooperation
Jenny Chan
Labour Rights Training at HP Supplier Factories in China-
Abotlt the aLlthors