英文版《基于语言信息的决策理论与方法》共分为4章:第1章介绍语言决策的基础——语言评估标度。把语言评估标度分成两类:加性语言评估标度和积性语言评估标度,并侧重介绍非均匀加性语言评估标度和非均匀积性语言评估标度。第2章介绍语言信息的集成方式。主要对现有的语言信息集成算子进行全面系统的综述。第3章介绍语言判断矩阵、不确定语言判断矩阵、残缺语言判断矩阵、一致性语言判断矩阵、可接受语言判断矩阵等概念,以及它们的优良性质,并且详细介绍基于这些语言判断矩阵的一系列决策途径。第4章介绍属性权重不能完全确知且属性值为语言术语或不确定语言变量的多属性决策方法。本书由Zeshui Xu著。
Chapter 1 Linguistic Evaluation Scales
1.1 Additive Linguistic Evaluation Scales
1.2 Multiplicative Linguistic Evaluation Scales
Chapter 2 Linguistic Aggregation Operators
2.1 Linguistic Aggregation Operators Based on Linear Ordering
2.2 Linguistic Aggregation Operators Based on Extension Principle and Symbols
2.3 Linguistic Aggregation Operators Based on Linguistic 2-tuples
2.4 Linguistic Aggregation Operators Computing with Words Directly
2.4.1 Linguistic Averaging Operator
2.4.2 Linguistic Geometric Operators
Chapter 3 Linguistic Preference Relations
3.1 Additive Linguistic Preference Relations
3.2 Incomplete Additive Linguistic Preference Relations
3.3 Dynamic Additive Linguistic Preference Relations
3.4 Multiplicative Linguistic Preference Relations
3.5 Incomplete Multiplicative Linguistic Preference Relations
3.6 Dynamic Multiplicative Linguistic Preference Relations
3.7 Uncertain Linguistic Preference Relations
3.7.1 Uncertain Additive Linguistic Preference Relations
3.7.2 Uncertain Multiplicative Linguistic Preference Relations
Chapter 4 Approaches to Linguistic Multi-Attribute Decision Making
4.1 Maximizing Deviation Procedure for Linguistic Multi-Attribute Decision Making
4.2 Ideal Point-Based Model for Linguistic Multi-Attribute Decision Making
4.3 Approaches Based on Uncertain Aggregation Operators to Linguistic Multi-attribute Decision Making
4.3.1 WULDC-OWA Operator-Based Approach
4.3.2 WULDC-OWG Operator-Based Approach
4.4 Goal Programming Model for Linguistic Multi-Attribute Decision Making
4.4.1 Goal Programming Model Based on Linguistic Labels
4.4.2 Goal Programming Model Based on Uncertain Linguistic Labels
4.5 Multi-Attribute Decision Making Based on Different Types of Linguistic Information
4.6 Interactive Approach to Linguistic Multi-Attribute Decision Making
4.7 Multi-Period Multi-Attribute Decision Making under Linguistic Assessments
4.7.1 Multi-Period Multi-Attribute Decision Making Method Based on LWA2 and DLWA Operators
4.7.2 Approach to Uncertain Multi-Period Multi-Attribute Decision Making Based on ULWA and UDLWA operators
4.7.3 Approach to Multi-Period Multi-Attribute Decision Making Based on LWG and DLWG Operators
4.7.4 Approach to Uncertain Multi-Period Multi-Attribute Decision Making Based on ULWG and UDLWG operators