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书名 | 把逆境当作生命的礼物(附光盘)/我爱读好英文 |
分类 | 教育考试-外语学习-英语 |
作者 | 章华 |
出版社 | 湖南文艺出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 《把逆境当作生命的礼物》精选多篇经典寓言故事,并以中英双语的形式呈现给读者。书中的故事耐人寻味,它告诉人们,逆境是暂时的,超越逆境的智慧和勇气,来自于每个人最本真的内心。 故事选材广泛,内容丰富,短小精悍,给人启发,是读者学习英文的最佳读本。本书由章华编译。 目录 说起来容易,做起来难啊 It is not hard to say things; it is harder to do them The Candle That Can't Be Lighted 点不亮的蜡烛 The Gold Chain 金链子 The Young Thief and His Mother 小偷和他的母亲 The Bad Kangaroo 淘气的袋鼠 The North Wind and the Sun 北风和太阳 The Soldier and His Horse 士兵和他的马 The Big Oven 大火炉 The Sapling 小树 An Insignificant Act of Kindness 微不足道的善举 Negligence 玩物丧志 Now and Then 此一时,彼一时 An Old Gardener and a Tortoise 园丁与乌龟 The Greedy Badger 贪婪的獾 The Dog and the Cat 狗和猫 Real Courage 真正的勇气 Boat Fare 摆渡费 The Austere Governor 一丝不苟的州长 The Purse of Gold 金钱包 The Owl and the Ass 猫头鹰和驴 The Belly and Its Members 肚子和它的器官 The Number One Scholar and the Beggar 状元和乞丐 The Cat and the Bell 猫和铃铛 The Proud Oyster 骄傲的牡蛎 The Mole and His Mother 鼹鼠和它的妈妈 The Eagle and the Bee 老鹰和蜜蜂 The Boy and His Axe 男孩和他的斧头 Three Craftsmen 三位工匠 A Boy and His Nail 男孩和钉子 有些事并不像看上去那样 Things aren't always what they seem The Polite Rabbit 有礼貌的兔子 The Donkey and the Frog 驴和青蛙 Fox and Cock 狐狸和公鸡 A Story of the Angel 天使的故事 Seven Lions and a Cow 七只狮子和一头牛 The Toad Looks for Food 蟾蜍寻食 The Dog That Had a Bad Friend 交友不慎的狗 The Scorpion and the Tortoise 蝎子和乌龟 The Fox and the Stork 狐狸和鹳 The Lion and the Mouse 狮子和老鼠 The Lonely Old Man 孤独的老人 Jupiter and the Sheep 丘比特和绵羊 The Sweetest Melody 最动听的歌 The Blind Man and the Lame Man 瞎子和瘸子 The Fox without a Tail 断尾的狐狸 The Wolf and the Crane 狼与鹭鸶 The Goatherd and the Wild Goats 牧羊人和野山羊 The Crane and the Crab 鹤与螃蟹 多一点儿包容,多一点儿爱 Who has greater tolerance, will have more love Daughter and Daughter-in-law 女儿和媳妇 The Greatest Gift of All 最贵重的礼物 Mouse Daughter to Marry 老鼠嫁女 The Difference of the Rich and the Poor 贫富的差异 The Eyesight of the Vulture 秃鹫的视力 The Monkey and the Crab 猴子与螃蟹 The Miser 守财奴 The Farmer and His Sons 农夫和儿子 The Wise Son 聪明的儿子 Purgatory May Be Paradise 炼狱能成天堂 Love and Time 爱与时间 Our Problem 我们的问题 多一点儿包容,多一点儿爱 Who has greater tolerance, will have more love The Four Wives 四个妻子 The Clever Beauty 机智的美女 How Poor We Really Are 我们是多么贫穷 A Heart's-Ease 心安草 Flower in the Desert 开在沙漠中的小花 The Cracked Water Pot 有裂痕的罐子 It Is As You Will 由你决定 Lady, Are You Rich? 太太,您富有吗? The Frogs and Their King 青蛙和它们的国王 Sharing Up 分红 即使是小小的冒险,也能增加人生的乐趣 Even the taking of small risks will add excitement of life Do Clothes Make a Man? 人靠衣装? I Am Blind, So I Can Find the Way 我是盲人,所以我能找到路 The Lobster and the Crab 龙虾和螃蟹 The Lazy Donkey 懒驴 The Two Donkeys 两头驴 The Harebrained Monkey 浮躁的猴子 The Land of the Halt 瘸子之乡 The Old Woman and the Physician 老妇和医生 The Statue 雕像 A Clever Donkey 聪明的驴 A Foolish Boy 愚蠢的少年 Beyond Your Own 不断超越自己 The Sparrow 麻雀 The First Try 第一次尝试 Home 家 The Old, Old Wine 陈年老酒 A Young Apple Tree 一棵小苹果树 The House of 1000 Mirrors 千镜之屋 A Bundle of Sticks 一捆树枝 |
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