List of Abbreviations
List of Tables
List of Figures
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 The Issue
1.2 Cognitive Linguistics as an Alternative
1.3 A Corpus Approach
1.4 Monograph Chapters
Chapter 2 Review of Previous Studies on Mandarin Topics and the Cognitive Approach as an Alternative
2.1 Findings on and Controversies over Topic
2.2 A Cognitive Approach to Topic
2.3 Findings in Other Topic-Prominent Languages
Chapter 3 Pauses and Pause Particles as Topic Markers in Mandarin
3.1 Pauses as Topic Markers
3.2 Pause Particles as Topic Markers
3.3 Discourse Use of Pause Particles in Beijing Mandarin
Chapter 4 Methodology of a Corpus Study
4.1 A Coding Property Based Approach to Topic Identification
4.2 Defining Some Grammatical Terms
4.3 Data: The Beijing Corpus
4.4 Corpus Analysis Procedure
4.5 Research Goals
Chapter 5 Pausing and Topic Marking
5.1 Pausing in Nominal Constructions
5.2 Pausing in Double-Subject Constructions
5.3 Pausing in TOP-subject Constructions
5.4 Summary
Chapter 6 High Frequency Topic Markers in Beijing Mandarin
6.1 Pause Particle ne
6.2 Pause Particle ba
6.3 Pause particle a and its phonetic variants
6.4 Pause particle ma
6.5 Lexical topic marker dehua ' if' and laijiang ' speaking of'
6.6 Discussion
6.7 Summary
Chapter 7 A Unified Interpretation of Topic as Conceptual Reference Point
7.1 Reference Points are more than entities
7.2 Reference Points can be multiple
7.3 Schematizing Topic-Comment Constructions
7.4 Summary
Chapter 8 Conclusion
8.1 A Brief Review
8.2 Revisiting the Controversies over Mandarin Topics
8.3 Reference Point as a Conceptual Archetype
8.4 Areas of Further Study
Appendix : Characteristics of Monologues Comprising the Corpus