一、新托福网络考试写作部分简介(New TOEFL iBT Writing Section)
二、新托福网络考试综合作文(Integrated Composition)
三、新托福网络考试独立作文(Independent Composition)
四、如何保证作文整体质量(How to Guarantee the Overall Quality)
五、如何保证作文语言质量(How to Guarantee the Language Quality)
六、200道独立作文训练题(200 Independent Composition Topics)
七、独立作文开头怎么写(How to Begin Your Composition)
八、独立作文主题怎么扩展(How to Expand Your Idea)
九、独立作文结尾怎么写(How to Conclude Your Composition)
十、50例独立作文范文(50 Exemplary Independent Compositions)
十一、综合作文如何应对(How to Tackle Integrated Compositions)
十二、综合作文实战操练(Drills in Integrated Compositions)