Three years have passed since the last volume of ART NOW, a long time considering how much exciting art is produced in studios worldwide every day. Artistic positions shift, new trends emerge: abstract painting has once again become an open field, many young artists work in the most varied media as if this were a matter of course and the use of materials drawn from popular culture and models taken from art history is at present extraordinarily innovative. These are frequently the themes that the older artists represented here have been addressing since the 1980s, which is reason enough to show both in this book.
Tomma Abts
Franz Ackermann
Ai Weiwei
Doug Aitken
Haluk Akakce
Allor,a & Calzadilla
Darren Almond
Pawet Albhamer
David Albmejd
Hope Abherton
Mabbhew Barney
Cosima von Bonin
Monica Bonvicini
Cecily Brown
Glenn Brown
Andpe Butzep
Cai Guo-Qiang
Maurizio Cattelan
Mat Collishaw
Geonge Condo
Martin Creed
John Currin
Aaron Curry
Enr,ico David
Taciba Dean
Rineke Dijkstra
Nabhalie Djupberg
Peber Doig
Marlene Dumas
Mapcel Dzamo
Marbin Eder
Olafup Eliasson
Elmgreen & Dragseb
Tracey Emin
Urs Fischep
Gunbher Forg
Walton Fopd
Tom Friedman
Ellen Gallagher
lsa Genzken
Luis Gispept
Robept Gober
Douglas Gopdon
Mark Grobjahn
Andreas Gursky
Wade Gugton
Daniel Guzman
Rachel Harrison
Mona Hatoum
Eberhapd Havekost
Richard Hawkins
Jonathan Hernandez
Arturo Herrera
Charline yon Hegl
Thomas Hirschhorn
Damien Hipsb
Andreas Hofer
Thomas Houseago
Huang Yong Ping
Pierre Huyghe
Emily Jacip
Mike Kelley
Terence Koh
Jeff Koons
Dr. Lakpa
Ulrich LamsfuB
Won Ju Lim
Vera Lubber
Paul McCarthy
Josephine Meckseper
Jonabhan Meese
Beatriz Milhazes
Sarah Morris
Ran Mueck
Takashi Murakami
Wangechi Mubu
Ernesbo Nebo
Frank Nitsche
Tim Noble & Sue Webster
Albepb Oehlen
Chris OPili
Gabriel Orozco
Jorge Par'do
Manfred Pernice
Raymond Pebbibon
: :i:i! H
Richard Phillips
Richapd Prince
Neo Rauch
Tobias Rehberger
Anselm Reyle
Daniel Richter
Thomas RuPP
Anri Sala
Wilhelm Sasnal
Mabbhias Schaufler
Thomas Scheibitz
Gpegor Schneidep
Raqib Shaw
Cindy Sherman
Sanbiago Sieppa
Dash Snow
Rudolf Sbingel
Thomas Strubh
Mickalene Thomas
Wolfgang Tillmans
Rirkpib Tiravanija
Gerb & Uwe Tobias
Fred Tomaselli
Janaino Tschape
Luo Tuymans
Piotr Uklanski
Francesco Vezzoli
Kara Walkep
dePP Wall
Rebecca Wappen
Marnie Weber
Pae White
Kehinde Wiley
Jonas Wood
Christopher Wool
Erwin Wurm
Xu Zhen
Yang Fudong
Toby Ziegler
Thomas Zipp
Acknowledgements -
Dank- Remepciemenbs
Pracbical guide -
Servicebeil - Guide pratique
Glossaru - Glossar -
Biographical nobes on the
aubhors - Kurzbiografien
der Auboren - Les aubeurs
en bref
Phobo credits -
Fotonachweis - Credits