Wordsworth Classics are inexpensive editions designed to appeal to the general reader and students. We commissioned teachers and specialists to write broad-ranging, jargon-free Introductions and to provide Notes that would assist the understanding of our readers, rather than interpret the stories for them. In the same spirit, because the pleasures of reading are inseparable from the surprises, secrets and revelations that all narratives contain, we strongly advise you to enjoy this book before turning to the Introduction.
In 1915, Lawrence's frank representation of sexuality inThe Rainbow caused a furore and the novel was seized by thepolice and banned almost as soon as it was published. Todayit is recognised as one of the classic English novels of thetwentieth century.
The Rainbow is about three generations of the Brangwen familyof Nottinghamshire from the 1840s to the early years of thetwentieth century. Within this historical framework Lawrence'sessential concern is with the passional lives of his charactersand he explores the pressures that determine their lives, usinga religious symbolism in which the 'rainbow' of the title ishis unifying motif. His primary focus is on the individual'sstruggle to growth and fulfilment within marriage and changingsocial circumstances, a process shown to grow more difficultthrough the generations. Young Ursula Brangwen, whose storyis continued in Women in Love, is ,finally the central figure inLawrence's anatomy of the confining structures of Englishsocial life and the impact of industrialisation and urbanisationon the human psyche.
ONE How Tom Brangwen Married a Polish Lady
TWO They Live at the Marsh
THREE Childhood of Anna Lensky
FOVR Girlhood of Anna Brangwen
FIVE Wedding at the Marsh
SIX Anna Victrix
SEVEN The Cathedral
EIGHT The Child
NINE The Marsh and the Flood
TEN The Widening Circle
ELEVEN First Love
THRTEEN The Man's World
FOURTEEN The Widening Circle
FIFTEEN The Bitterness of Ecrtasy
SIXTEEN The Rainbow