Contains three novels such as: "Lord Jim", "Nostromo" and "The Secret Agent", together with a selection of the author's matchless short stories - "Youth", "Heart of Darkness", "The End of the Tether" and "The Shadow-Line".
LORD JIM, first published in 1900, confirmed Conrad's place in literature as one of the first 'modernists' of English letters. Set in the Malay Archipelago, not only does the novel provide a gripping account of maritime adventure and romance, but also an exotic tale of the East.
NOSTROMO is the only man capable of the decisive action needed to save the silver of the San Tome mine and secure independence for Sulaco,Occidental Province of the Latin American state of Costaguana. Is his integrity as unassailable as everyone believes, or will his ideals, like those which have inspired the struggling state itself, buckle under economic and political pressures?
THE SECRET AGENT, Conrad's story of espionage and anarchists, tells of Winnie Verloc and her,devotion to her peculiar and simple-minded brother, Stevie. Its savagely witty themes of human absurdity and misunderstanding are written in an ironic style that provokes both laughter and unease.
This volume also includes a selection of Conrad's matchless short stories - YOUTH, TYPHOON, HEART OF DARKNESS, THE END OF THE TETHER and THE SHADOW-LINE.
Lord Jim - 1900
Nostromo - 1904
The Secret Agent - 1907
The Lagoon- 1896
An Outpost of Progress - 1896
Karain: A Memory - 1807
Youth: A Narrative - 1898
Amy Foster - 1901
Typhoon- 1901
Falk- 19O1
Heart of Darkness - i9o2
The End of the Tether- I9O2
An Anarchist (A Desperate Tale) - 1906
The Informer (An Ironic Tale)- 1906
I1 Conde (A Pathetic Tale) - 1906
The Secret Sharer - i9io
Prince Roman - 1911
The Shadow-Line: A Confession - 1915
The Tale - 1917