"Resonant Leadership goes straight to the heart of what it takes to be a leader in today's pressure-cooker world. It is data driven, full of unconventional wisdom, and highly practical. Superbly written, Resonant Leadership repre- sents an extraordinary contribution to the world of business"
---Jim Loehr,Chairman and CEO,LGE Performance Systems,and coauthor of the bestseller
The Power of Full Engagenment
"The authors provide a practical guide to sustaining success as a leader in the face of relentless stress through cultivation of mindfulness, hope, and com- passion-in the workplace and in daily life. They support their theories with instructive real-life examples. This is a rare business book, truly a pleasure to read. I recommend Resonant Leadership to all who lead or aspire to lead."
---Barbara Krumsiek,President and CEO,Calvert Group
We've all seen it before: the ambitious leader who enjoys great success and then,inexplicably, crashes and burns. Perhaps this leader has been you. Why does this happen, in spite of the leader's vision, tal-ent, and emotional intelligence?
Richard Boyatzis and Annie McKee, coauthors, with Daniel Goleman, of the international bestseller Primal Leadership (UK edition: The New Leaders), argue that today's leaders face unprecedented chal-lenges that result in a vicious cycle of stress and sacrifice, with little or no recov-ery time built in. Consequently, even the most resonant leaders--whose ability to deftly manage their own and others' emo-tions once drove their companies to great-ness---end up spiraling into dissonance.
In Resonant Leadership, Boyatzis and McKee marshal decades of multidiscipli-nary research and hands-on consulting work to provide a practical framework for how leaders can create and sustain reso-nance in their relationships, their teams, and their organizations. To counter the inevitable "power stress" of the leadership role, leaders must consciously manage the "Cycle of Sacrifice and Renewal" by step-ping out of destructive patterns and renewing themselves physically, mentally,and emotionally.
Through vivid examples from the front lines of organizations worldwide,Resonant Leadership illustrates the ways that three key elements--mindfulness,hope, and compassion--are essential to enabling renewal and sustaining reso-nance. Boyatzis and McKee show that these seemingly "soft" concepts have proven implications for the practice of leadership, invoking physiological and psychological changes that enable leaders to overcome the negative effects of chron- ic stress. The book also provides dozens of exercises and a field-tested Intentional Change Model to guide leaders on their path to resonance and renewal.
Leaders can't sustain effectiveness if they can't sustain themselves. Resonant Leadership offers inspiration--and tools--to help readers become and remain successful leaders in their work and in their lives.
Foreword ix
Acknowledgments xi
Great Leaders Move Us
The Leader's Challenge
Dissonance Is the Default
Waking Up to Resonance and Renewal
Intentional Change
"Be the Change You Wish to See in the World"
Power Stress, the Sacrifice Syndrome, and the Renewal Cycle
Additional Exercises
Ahout the Authors