mania ['meɪ.ni.ə] noun countable or uncountable STRONG INTEREST 强烈的兴趣 disapproving ■a very strong interest in something which fills a person's mind or uses up all their time 狂热;热衷•So why your sudden mania for exercise?你为甚么突然热衷于锻炼了? •The article describes the religious mania which is sweeping the US.文章描述了席卷美国的宗教狂热。 ['meɪ.ni.ə] noun countable or uncountable MENTAL ILLNESS 心理疾病 ■a state in which someone directs all their attention to one particular thing 痴迷;…狂;…癖•Van Gogh suffered from acute persecution mania.梵谷患有严重的被害妄想症。 •She's always cleaning - it's like a mania with her.她总是不停在清扫——好像有洁癖。 specialized ■a state of extreme physical and mental activity, often involving a loss of judgment and periods of euphoria 躁狂症 |