select [sɪ'lekt] verb intransitive or transitive IMPROVER ■to choose a small number of things, or to choose by making careful decisions 选择;挑选•There was a choice of four prizes, and the winner could select one of them.有四种奖品可供选择,获胜者可以从中挑选一个。 •A mouse is a device which makes it easier to select different options from computer menus.滑鼠这种工具能够使人更方便快捷地从电脑功能表中选择不同的选项。 •How do you select people for promotion?你如何选拔晋升者? •[+ obj + to infinitive] He was selected to play for Australia at the age of only 18.他才18岁就被选进了澳大利亚队。 •formal The supermarket's policy is to select out (= choose) the best fruit and discard the rest.这家超市的原则就是挑选最好的水果,其余的就丢掉。 [sɪ'lekt] adjective ■of only the best type or highest quality, and usually small in size or amount 精选的;最优秀的•It's a very select club - I've been trying unsuccessfully to join it for years.这是个高级俱乐部——我多年来一直想加入都未能成功。 •These activities should be available to all pupils, not just a select few.这样的活动应该让所有学生都参加,而不只是特定少数。 •Hamilton lives in a very select part of London.汉密尔顿住在伦敦的高级社区。 |