seethe [si:ð] verb intransitive FEEL ANGER 感到愤怒 ■to feel very angry but to be unable or unwilling to express it clearly 憋气;生闷气•The class positively seethed with indignation when Julia won the award.茱莉亚得奖的时候,全班明显很不服气。 •By the end of the meeting he was seething.会议结束时他气呼呼的。 [si:ð] verb intransitive MOVE 移动 ■(of a large number or amount) to move about energetically in a small space (大量人或物在狭小的空间内)涌动,翻腾; 密集,云集•The streets were seething (= busy and crowded) with tourists.街道上游客摩肩接踵。 |