At present,architectural modernity can no longer be defined in terms of stylistic,formal,or intrinsically architectural criteria.Today,architrcture must be modern in a social sense--or it is not modern at all.
The book also features twenty-five projects spanning the period from 1990 to the present as well as ten architects' firms that have been instrumental in shaping the German architectural landscape since the sixties--both groups selected by a German and an international jury--and thus provides both a comprehensive portrait of contemporary German architecture and a survey of the most important recent architectural currents.
If new German architecture truly reflects something of the zeitgeist, if it is--to cite Friedrich Nietzsche--architecture suited to the new German soul, then the selection of architectural works presented in this volume emphasizes one thing above all: we have now entered an era that has no more "great narratives" (Francois Lyotard). New German architecture cannot be described in terms of formal or programmatic schemes, schools, tendencies, or clear lines of tradition.It responds to the challenges of society, not with a distinctive style but by taking positions. Not only does this apparent "obscurity" (Jurgen Habermas) mark the end of grand ideologies, it is also the expression of a specific form of heightened cultural consciousness. It is moderate and restrained, thoughtfully self-assured, and non-dogmatic. New German architecture is an architecture of self-critical Reflexive Modernism.
What is new German architecture? What is its character? Such renowned authors as Wilfried Dechau, Christian Holl,Ernst Hubeli, Wolfgang Kil, Wolfgang Pehnt, Hanno Rauterberg, Andreas Ruby, UIIrich Schwarz, Werner Sewing,Dietmar M. Steiner, and others offer answers to these extraordinarily complex questions. The book also features twenty-five projects spanning the period from 1990 to the present as well as ten architects' firms that have been instrumental in shaping the German architectural landscape since the sixties--both groups selected by a German and an international jury--and thus provides both a comprehensive portrait of contemporary German architecture and a survey of the most important recent architectural currents.
New German Architecture
A Reflexive Modernism
Ullrich Schwarz
New German Architecture--An Exhibition
Ullrich Schwarz
A Reflexive Modernism:
Perspectives of Architecture at the Beginning of the 21st Century
Ernst Hubeli
Architecture That Steps Forth from the Shadows:
Architectural Play in the New Media World
New German Architecture
25 Projects
Herz Jesu Kirche, Munich
Biosphere and BUGA Flower Hall 2001, Potsdam
Nieuwe Luxor Theater, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Berliner Bogen Office Building, Hamburg
Elementary and Comprehensive School, Berlin-Hohenschenhausen
Day-Care Center, Berlin-Karow
RWE Tower, Essen
Engelhardt Hof, Berlin
DaimlerOhrysler Building, Potsdamer Platz 1, Berlin
Haus der Stille--Temporary Monastery, Meschede
School and Gymnasium in Scharnhauser Park, Ostfildern
Upper Vocational School for Social Insurance Education, Berlin-KSpenick
Senior Citizens' Housing Complex, Neuenburg
Ochsenanger Housing Development, Bamberg
Distribution Center, Bobingen
Saxon State Library--State and University Library, Dresden
Halstenbek Sports Arena
Printing Plant and Logistics Center, R6bel
Federal Agency for the Environment, Dessau
Baumschulenweg Crematorium, Berlin
Haus R 128, Stuttgart
Wohnhaus e. G. Weimar
New Synagogue, Dresden
European Youth Meeting and Education Center, Weimar
Neanderthal Museum of Human Evolution, Mettmann
German Architecture since 1960
10 Signatures
Behnisch & Partners
Heinz Bienefeld
Gottfried Bohm
Yon Gerkan, Marg and Partners
Nerzog + Partners
Josef R Kleihues
Daniel Libeskind
Karljosef Schattner
Steidle + Partners
Oswald Mathias Ungers
New German Architecture since 1990
German Architecture from 1945 to 1990
The Eternal Return of the Void: German Architecture after German Reunification
The Next Generation: New German Architects?
History--That Was Yesterday: The Germans Are Building a New
Normalcy: They Want to Preserve the Past, but without the Memories
All Quiet on the Eastern Front: Viewed from This Perspective,
the Real Adventure Is Yet to Come for the "New States"
A Short History of Ecological Architecture in Germany
New German Architecture in the International Context