1.颅(前面观)The skull.Anterior aspect
2.颅(外侧面观)The skull.Lateral aspect
3.颅(上面观)The skull.Superior aspect
4.颅(后面观)The skull.Posterior aspect
5.颅底(外面观)The base of the skull.External aspect
6.颅底(内面观)The base of the skull.Internal aspect
7.颅盖(内面观)The calvaria.Internal aspect
8.顶骨剖面The sections of the parietal bone
9.颅冠状切面(经第二磨牙)The coronal section of the skull.Through the second molar
10.颅(正中矢状切面)The skull.Median sagittal section
11.眶(前面观)The orbit.Anterior aspect
12.骨性鼻泪管(冠状切面)The bony nasolacrimal duct.Coronal section
13.翼区骨缝类型The types of the bony suture of the pterygoid region
14.胎儿透明颅骨(前面观)The transparent skull of the fetus.Anterior aspect
15.胎儿透明颅骨(外侧面现)The transparent skull of the fetus.Lateral aspect
16.婴儿颅(前面观)The skull of the infant.Anterior aspect
17.婴儿颅(外侧面观)The skull of the infant.Lateral aspect
18.婴儿颅(上面观)The skull of the infant.Superior aspect
19.婴儿颅(后面观)The skull of the infant.Posterior aspect
20.小儿脑积水颅(前面观)The infantile hydrocephalic skull,Anterior aspect
21.小儿脑积水颅(外侧面观)The infantile hydrocephalic skull.Lateral aspect
22.小儿脑积水颅(上面观)The infantile hydrocephalic skull.Superior aspect
23.小儿积水颅(下面观)The infantile hydrocephalic skull.Inferior aspect
24.新生儿颅底(外面观)The base of the skull of the new—born.External aspect
25.新生儿额骨(前面观)The frontal bone of the new—born.Anterior aspect
26.新生儿颧骨(外面观)The zygomatic bone of the new—born.External aspect
27.新生儿枕骨(外面观)The occipital bone of the new—born.External aspect
28.新生儿蝶骨(上面观)The sphenoid bone of the new—born.Superior aspect
29.新生儿蝶骨(下面观)The sphenoid bone of the new—born.Inferior aspect
30.新生儿蝶骨(后面观)The sphenoid bone of the new—born.Posterior aspect
31.颅骨骨折愈合The uni‘on of the fracture of the skull
32.额骨(前面观)The frontal bone.Anterior aspect
33.额骨(内面现)The frontal bone.Internal aspect