Now, one ufthe field's leading experts brings together all tbe knowledge and resources yon need to use APM in your next project. Jim Highsmith shows why APM should be in every manager's toolkit,thoroughly addressing the questions project managers raise about Agile approaches. He systmnatically introduces the five-phase APM ·rainework, then presents specific, proven practices for every project participant.
Chapter 1:The Agile Revolution
Innovative Product Development
Reliable Innovation
Continuous Innovation
Product Adaptability
Reduced Delivery Scbedules
People and Process Adaptability
Reliable Results
Core Agile Values
Responding to Change
Working Products
Customer Collaboration
Individuals and Interactions
Agile Project Management
Agility Defined
The APM Framework
Thriving in a Chaordic World
Our Journey
Chapter 2:Guiding Principles:Customers and Products
Herman and Maya
The Guiding Principles of Agile Project Management
Deliver Customer Value
Innovation and Adaptability
Planning and Control to Execution
Delivery versus Compliance
Employ Iterative,Feature-Based Delivery
Creating a Better Product
Producign Earlier Benefits
Progressive Risk Reduction
Champion Technical Excellence
Customers and Products
Chapter3:Guiding Principles:Leadership-Collaboration Management
Management Style
The Business of APM
Reliable,Not Repeatable
Progress Reporting
Leadership-Collaboration Management
Encourage Exploration
Shared Space
Encouragement Isn"t Enough
Build Adaptive (Self-Organixing,Self-Disciplined)Temas
Getting the Right People
Articualting the Product Vision
Encouraging Interaction
Participatory Decision Making
Insistiong on Accountability
Steering,Not Controlling
Generative Rules
Barely Sufficient Methodology
Principles to Practices
Chapter4:An Agile Project Management Model
Principles and Practices
An Agile Process Framework
Chapter5:The Envision Phase
Chapter6:The Speculate Phase
Chapter7:The Explore Phase
Chapter8:The Adapt and Close Phases
Chapter9:Building Large Adaptive Teams
Chapter10:Reliable Innovation